How to teach a child to brush their teeth
Health / / December 19, 2019
Childhood - the best time to nurture good habits. Teach the child much easier than adults, and probable, that the habit will stay with them for life, much higher. Be consistent, friendly, and success is not long to wait.
When I was five years old, every morning our family began with disputes and whining. I ached, I do not want to brush their teeth, and parents argue, it is possible to replace the morning cleaning teeth eating an apple. This debate, I mentally went up to 16 years until I met a wonderful dentist who finally snapped: "No!" - and at the same time taught me to treat their teeth with respect. That is why I would like to start your own tips with self-love.
Plant the child the love of his teeth
To do something, because we need, it is sometimes very hard. To develop in the child a mechanical habit - a dubious pleasure. But you never lose, if you convince the child that his healthy smile - the best decoration. Ask to show teeth and declare with a smile: "Beautiful! Great white teeth!! Such well-maintained, clean and shiny "You may, in principle, difficult to pay compliments - fight with them, learn. Find your kind words, even if the teeth are far from ideal. 5-10 encouraging words will cost you much cheaper than the dentist. Allow yourself sometimes frown, "Why are you so yellow teeth? Not cleaned? "
Personal example
Trying to teach a child to do what you do not do yourself - completely useless. Brush your teeth twice a day and call the child with - kids love to imitate adults. At the same time cease to speak phrases like these: "He's my teeth, bad. By age 50, still everything changed. And to hell with them, and then put implants. With these teeth some problems, it is necessary to lift them and not to suffer. " Even good teeth can ruin mediocre care, and so carelessly treat problematic teeth - a crime against himself.
Do not scold the child
If he refuses to brush your teeth or clean them properly, brush his teeth or give yourself a glass of water before going to bed and try the next day again. When brushing your teeth will begin to firmly associated with your irritation, the child will avoid it with even greater tenacity.
Do not rush
If your baby does not attempt to care for their teeth up to three or four years, clean them yourself and enjoy that do not need to worry about what is not in control of the process. Also, do not try to clean the first two to four teeth with a brush and paste: remove plaque quite possibly clean with a damp cloth or a special silicone fingertip with soft bristles.
Give your child more freedom
Allow yourself to choose a toothbrush. You can buy a few brushes and ask what exactly it is to brush your teeth today. A choice of two evils great help to deal with stubborn trohletkami in many cases. Allow to squeeze toothpaste on the brush, even if as a result of the paste is too much or too little. Gently make the remark: "We need to pea paste, tomorrow to squeeze out a little less than (greater than), is not it?"
Turn imagination
To join the hygiene practices toys. Let the beloved dolls "ache" teeth, and you will save the its daily cleaning. Connect to the child's game: let help and shows how to work with a brush. Look cartoons about the hygiene of the mouth, draw several thematic patterns, put it under the pillow from the tooth fairy gifts, if the child all week regularly brushing my teeth.
Be consistent
Brush your teeth should regularly. Perhaps the only case where inappropriate to remind your child about the need - if he is ill and went to sleep earlier than usual. Your and his fatigue, bad mood, urgent work - all this is not a reason to ignore the basic hygiene procedures.
And life hacking for absolutely any conflict with the child: parents need to adhere to a common point of view on the issue. No division into "brushes and apples" should not be, refrain from public debate. If adults do not agree with each other, what do we expect from the child?