How to give first aid for panic attack
Health / / December 19, 2019
Panic attacks - this is what all have heard, but few who encountered them in reality. This article will explain how to behave in a similar situation.
Let us imagine. You go down the street with his friend. Suddenly he falls and hurts his leg badly. The wound bleeds, your friend is very sick. What would you do in this situation?
It seems simple task. You are likely to have a try first aid and help others to get to the trauma center. Perhaps you will have a patch or bandage, with which you can close the wound, or a bottle of water, which you can wash it. In general, anyway, you know about what to do with first aid regulations all familiar.
But the situation is more difficult. What if your friend starts a panic attack? How to act in this case? Few people know. But to be able to provide assistance when a panic attack is just as important as in the case of accident or falls. You do not know when it might be necessary, however, if you find yourself in an emergency situation, be delighted that spared no effort to learn.
Panic attack - a sudden, inexplicable bout of severe anxiety and fear. It can be accompanied by symptoms such as rapid pulse, chills and sweating, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. Most often, a panic attack is very painful for the person who experiences it.
How to help a person during a panic attack
- Evaluate the risk of self-harm.
- Listen man, without judging it.
- Reassurance, comfort, and tell the person that comes with it.
- Encourage his desire to seek professional help. This is best done after the attack will take place: in a state of acute anxiety man not before.
- Encourage him to desire to learn self-help and other helpful practices.
This is not an accurate guide to action, because the situation can be very different, but rather a general instruction, which can use all. Also, you need to realize that a diagnosis or provide expert help, you can not. You only need to help the person cope with the attack.
Psychotherapist Elena Perova It gives more specific tips and explains how to deal with someone who is experiencing a panic attack.
- The panic attacks often occur in the subway, in small rooms, so the first thing to do to bring people into the air, into the open space.
- Have him lean back and let the drink. If the relationship permit, keep the arm.
- Talk to the person in a soothing voice, gently ask if he knows that his frightened. If he wants to talk about - let me talk. If he has nothing to say - try to draw his attention to what is happening around, that life goes on as usual.
It is important to be calm and to create a human feeling that you are in control. Speak calmly, quietly move to gradually adjust to the your behavior and also calm down.
When you start to be interested in the question of assistance for panic attacks, you can capture a concern. If first aid for injuries is more or less clear, here you have to deal with the psyche of man, his the brain. This means that each individual is a unique panic attack, and you need to quickly figure out how to help her overcome.
But do not worry: the lack of knowledge is much worse than the common and accurate understanding of how you can help with panic attacks.