Is it true that from the get fat alcohol
Health / / December 19, 2019
How to digest alcohol
Alcohol is a fairly high-calorie: ethanol contains 7.1 calories per 1 g However, due to thermoeffectEffect of ethanol on energy expenditure. - the energy necessary to the process of digestion, - the body gets only 20% of calories. It is about 1.4 kcal per 1 g But they are not stored as fat. From 24 g of alcohol six hours produced in the liverDe novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. about 0.8 g of fat.
However, the main danger for your figure are not the calories of ethanol, and the conditions that it creates. Because alcohol - a poison, your body is trying to quicklyRole of substrate utilization and thermogenesis on body-weight control with particular reference to alcohol. recycle it. As long as the body copes with alcohol, fat burning is inhibited by 73%. Therefore, fats and carbohydratesThat you consume with alcohol, are most likely to turn into extra weight.
Moreover, the alcohol does not suppress appetite and increases the feeling of
Dose-dependent effects of alcohol on appetite and food intake. portions eaten after drinking. If we add to this the reduced feeling of control, you risk consume more high-calorie food and replenish their fat reserves.How to drink, so it did not affect the figure
It is perfectly possible to drink and do not gain weight, but you need to follow a few rules.
Do not drink a lot
People who consume alcohol moderately, weigh lessAlcohol Consumption, Weight Gain, and Risk of Becoming Overweight in Middle-aged and Older WomenThan those who completely refused alcohol. And less likely to make obesity.
Moreover, moderate alcohol consumption improvesAlcohol reduces insulin-hypertension relationship in a general population: the Hisayama study. insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of metabolic syndromeAlcohol consumption and the prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in the US.: a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. - disorder in which develops insulin resistance and much fatter people.
However, all studiesLight-to-moderate alcohol consumption and mortality in the Physicians' Health Study enrollment cohort., Risk of dementia and alcohol and wine consumption: a review of recent results., Environmental risk factors differ between rheumatoid arthritis with and without auto-antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptides., Smoking, alcohol consumption, and susceptibility to the common cold., Alcohol consumption and risk of renal cell carcinoma: a prospective study of Swedish women., The effect of moderate alcohol use on the relationship between stress and depression.Demonstrating the positive effects of alcohol, talk about moderation - 30-40 grams of ethanol per day. This is slightly less than two cans of beer, one hundred grams of vodka or 200 grams of wine.
Choose the right alcohol
Do not drink alcohol, rich in carbohydrates: beer, alcoholic cocktails and sweet wine. Instead, give preference habits with low carbs or no: dry wine, brandy, gin, rum, scotch, tequila, vodka and whiskey.
Because ethanol alone is not deposited in the fat, choosing alcohol without carbohydrates, you risk less to earn extra kilos.
Eat foods rich in protein
Dietary protein provides a feeling of fullnessProtein, weight management, and satiety better than fats and carbohydrates. A diet rich in protein, helpsDietary protein - its role in satiety, energetics, weight loss and health. keep weight under control and protects against metabolic syndrome.
snack food with high protein content, You are less likely nakinetsya on fatty and sugary snacks during alcoholic party.
Eat more vegetables
In the days when you drink alcohol, you need to maintain a low level of carbohydrates and fats. However, it is important that you get all the necessary vitamins and fiber. For this perfect vegetables: they are low in calories and a lot of dietary fiber.
Vegetables, especially green, help you maintain satiety throughout the day and regulate horse racing in your blood sugar. Is perfect broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
Do not load up after a party
When you get home, it is likely to eat something nutritious. Especially that such foods are generally very tasty, and alcohol reduces self-control. In order not to overeat or ice cream sandwiches with sausage, pre-cook something useful and low-calorie in the event of the night Jora.
Follow these rules, drink moderately, and alcohol will not harm your figure.
see also🧐
- TEST: Are you alcoholic?
- How different alcoholic drinks affect your mood and behavior
- How alcohol affects sleep and what to do