What do you get when bathing and how to avoid it
Health / / December 19, 2019
What do you get in the water
Mainly in the water to catch a variety of intestinal infections, and skin diseases, which are caused by all possible kinds of microorganisms.
Summer - the peak incidence of such infections in the middle lane. Because in the beach sand live protozoa pathogenic fungi, helminths (worms), various bacteria.
Mikhail Lebedev, consultant physician of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor
We know that "before all bathed, and nothing happened." If you think so too, just look at the list of surprises waiting for you in the water.
Giardia - a simple microorganisms that are around us quite a lot. In places where the water fall faeces and waste water them even more. They cling to us, if you drink contaminated water and sip it while swimming. Right after the swim, nothing happens, the first signs appear in 1-2 weeks.
Symptoms typical of all intestinal infections: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain. Danger - severe dehydration. It is treated with antibiotics and diet.
Another parasitic disease of animals with greetings and similar symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever. It manifested in 2-10 days after infection. If the immune system is not overwhelmed by HIV or other chronic conditions, everything goes by itself.
Who once suffered from rotavirus (also known as intestinal flu) hates fast diet. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and a complete lack of power - signs of infection, which can be picked up in the water. The virus has vaccinated, but there is no specific treatment, so you can only tolerate and mitigate the symptoms.
Hepatitis A and E - is the viral infections that are transferred through the drinking water. Basically, of course, they are suffering residents of tropical countries, but we have them get sick. The fact that such hepatitis and how to defend against them, we have wrote.
This is a particularly dangerous infection, and one of the global problems. It seems that cholera occurs only in tropical countries with low culture of sanitation, but in fact cholera are regularly in RussiaThe epidemiological situation of cholera in the world from 2005-2014.. In fact, in most cases cholera is treated quickly and easily, and its main danger - dehydration due to severe diarrhea.
Dysentery, salmonellosis, ehsherihiozom
These are different diseases with different pathogens, but with similar overall symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and fever. There are small differences between them, but they are not fundamental. The main thing is that all these diseases are dangerous because the same dangerous than cholera, dehydration and all its grave consequences. They also treated the same pattern: rehydration, antibiotics and intestinal sorbents.
A dangerous bacterial infection that is transmitted by animals, affects the liver and kidneys. It starts with a headache, high temperature, pain in the abdomen. Other symptoms - red eyes and jaundice. End can be very sad. The bacteria are easier to get into the bloodstream through wounds and mucous membranes.
itching bather
There are some parasites - schistosomes, which live in the water birds. Their larvae called cercariae, and they do not mind to hang on to a man. However, they can not parasitize on us and die, but allergic reactions, itching and red spots have to be treated by a dermatologist.
other infections
This is not all diseases that are transmitted through water. The middle band is difficult to meet typhoid trachoma or pathogen (disease affecting the eye). But in warm edges they are in considerable quantities. Worm infestation are rarely bathing, but in dirty waters a chance of catching them as well.
What can not be infected in the water
One of the most common horror stories in which many continue to believe - a chance to be infected while swimming gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia or other STIMikhail Lebedev says. But it is a myth. If you just swim and not to engage in sex in water, specific infections do not get infected.
Mikhail LebedevSTIs are transmitted only from person to person and it is through sex. Especially when it is impossible to pick up a bathing gepapit or HIV infection.
Fear number two - chill for something, such as the kidneys. It is little reason to fear. Body temperature is maintained at us from within, and if the body is supercooled by the summer swimming, the whole a whole. Hypothermia can become an additional factor for the development of diseases, but certainly not the main one.
Alexei Moskalenko, pediatrician service DOC +Without comorbidity is hard enough. But hypothermia when bathing can serve as one of the causes of cystitis development.
How to swim, not to get sick
All of the above horrors not yet mean that the water is not necessary to climb at all. Suffice it to observe the rules of swimming.
Bathing place should be clean at least visually, with more on the beach. Stagnant water is much more dangerous than running. Do not go into the water among the thickets of marsh plants, sinking knee-deep in the mud.
If you want to swim in an artificial reservoir, where the water is slowly updated (in the pond or pit) and where bathing is very much people, it is better to find another place: too much infection is transmitted from person to person through close contact, when there are warm and wet. Do not swallow water when swimming.
Mikhail LebedevThe beach is not processed disinfectants, so at a depth of 5-6 cm is the most favorable environment for various microorganisms (mainly fungal pathogens infections). Especially dangerous wet sand.
It is not necessary to build castles and dig on the head in the sand, if there is a wound on the skin.
After a swim, go to the shower, if it is on the beach, and if not, wash your hands, face and feet. There is no clean water? Bring wipes and liquid antiseptics in bottles. And take a shower when you reach him.
In any case, remove wet bathing suits and swimming trunks, change into dry while you relax between swims.
How do you know that you can not swim
When you see near the river or pond telltale signs - not to swim there.
- The sign "Bathing is prohibited." Once banned, then let it be banned.
- A flock of ducks or geese. Where constantly hang waterfowl (especially wild) live in the water parasites.
- Watering. Watering place easily identified by a cloud of trace residues and animal wastes. Here you can get a set of enteric infection with high probability.
- Snags sticking out of the water. Once something is sticking out of the water, then there is something in the water. Consider that snags - iceberg under water hidden invisible thicket. And that means a high risk to get hurt, hit or catch on clothing for the twig.
- Landfills. Dumps and gutters are lowered into the water the most different rubbish, not only bacteria and parasites. Inhale toxic fumes or swim in a solution of unknown chemical compounds - a bad idea.
Remember that the city fountains in which water circulates in a closed system from which the animals drink and where to wash the homeless - it is very, very bad place for swimming.