Elijah syndrome: how to prevent debris become important in life
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
The problem is not new. Gogol published his "Dead Souls" in 1842. And somewhere in the world as long haunting shadow of the old man Elijah, which dragged into the house all that came to hand, and if I had to throw out some trash, experienced almost physical pain.
It is not known how many Plyushkins there in the middle of the XIX century. But now so many of them that the name has become the name of the popular neurological syndrome.
Perhaps this pathology has developed for you or your loved ones. Check.
Where does the Elijah syndrome
Plyushkin still Russian hero. The English-language sources of the same neurological disorder indicated otherwise - Messi syndrome (from the English. mess - a mess) or hordingHoarding: The Basics (From the English. to hoard - accumulate). Regardless of the name it is about the same - compulsive hoarding.
At the initial stage of the disorder does not differ from quite explainable love creative disorder or unwillingness part with lovely heart things.
In the first case, the desktop littered with necessary and unnecessary paperwork, unwashed cups and, say, apple Ogryzko. Well, what do you want? It's a creative process, distracted by cleaning no time!
The second thing is no longer placed on the shelves of cabinets, but the hand does not rise to throw them away, because this book has presented the first lover, but in that blouse you first went to the sea ...
But some people with time and age everything is transformed into a compulsive behavior - hording.
What exactly causes this transformation, scientists have not yet fully understand. We only know that hording often associated with other mental disorders: Loneliness and depression, increased anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts).
Also Elijah syndrome development associateThe Psychology Behind Hoarding to the following factors:
- Age. More often than hording observed in people older than 50 years. However, a more in-depth research shows that passion for hoarding began to emerge from them as early as 11-15 years.
- personality type. Elijah syndrome affects people with severe indecision.
- Heredity. As for this factor is not that psychologists believe, but still there were some genetic predisposition to disease. If someone from your close relatives will spam the house, the risk to follow in his footsteps above you than others.
- psychological trauma. Many Plyushkin experienced in the past traumatic event, the consequences of which have not been overcome with the help of psychotherapy.
- social isolation. Most often Horder are people who suffer from loneliness and lack of social recognition. Consolation they are trying to find things.
What causes Elijah syndrome
There are very clear criteria that allow us to say clearly: "Stop, this is no longer a passion for creativity mess and collecting the cherished things. This pathology. "
American researchers created a scaleTHE 5 HOARDING LEVELS AND GUIDELINES FOR RECOGNIZING THE DISORDERAllowing to evaluate the seriousness of the problem.
I level
The disorder is, but not excessive. Access to the doors and stairs is free to move around quite easily, no unpleasant odors. The whole house looks a little cluttered but tidy.
level II
Garbage pails are full. Part of the space - 1-2 rooms - littered with things, difficult to move there. The kitchen and bathroom mold grows. All horizontal surfaces littered with so that they can not be used. Access to one of the exits from the house locked dump.
level III
At least one of the rooms is uninhabitable: it is impossible to move. In other areas of confusion, dusty and dirty, smells bad. Cluttered corridors and passageways. In case of fire or smoke a person can not be saved.
level IV
Junk and dirt so much that use the bathroom and bedroom is almost impossible from the point of view of an outsider. On the walls and the floor visible mold. There are problems with clogged sewerage and electrical wiring.
V level
Accommodation is more like a landfill. Free space is almost no - all culled things and garbage. Among them are teeming with cockroaches, rats and other vermin. There is no electricity and water, drainage does not work: a broken wire or a clogged pipe.
The situation threatens not only Horder, but also its neighbors in the apartment building. They have to endure the stench, pest and constant threat flood or fire.
Of course, very much neglected cases are rare. However, they are quite possible, if not stop in time.
As recognized syndrome at an early stage Plyushkin
Elijah syndrome should be corrected as soon as there will be 2-3 of these symptoms:
- Difficulties with cleaning. Creative mess is not limited to the desktop, but also on other surfaces. Clothes, books, papers, equipment just dumped in chairs or cabinets indiscriminately.
- Reluctance to throw unfit. Holey sweater - nothing useful to the country. Scribbled weekly before last year - what if I ever need to revise it and remember something important?! Broken chairs - nothing, one day I'll fix it. Do not be repaired TV - albeit necessary, there can also be expensive spare parts!
- Too much respect for the little things. For example, a scattering of pebbles, brought children or grandchildren from the sea. Or ten children's blouses. Or to the old souvenir like a pigeon with a broken wing. Above all these novice Horder languishes as Gollum from "The Lord of the Rings", not wanting to give up and not allowing the mother to throw away his obviously have served and are not the right things.
- Neglect of hygiene, cleaning, change of linen. In general, it is predictable: when trash gets too much, restoring order turns into a titanic task.
- Self-isolation. Man demonstrates incredulously, hostile attitude towards people, including relatives and the world, is committed to being alone.
How to treat the Elijah syndrome
Unfortunately, modern science can not tell you how to prevent the disorder: it is poorly understood. There is only one option - to prevent manifest hordingu develop.
Most effective way to do this together with psychotherapist. The specialist will be able to calculate the trigger - a psychological trauma, personality type, social isolation, anxiety disorder - which made the man to surround themselves with unnecessary things. You may need some advice and prescription of antidepressants.
Important and help loved ones. Horder in any case can not be blamed. Otherwise it will go deeper into yourself and make a wall of trash even more dense.
Plyushkin need warm and sincere support, so he did not feel lonely and helpless. In particular, it is possible from time to time to help a person get out and focus on how to clean and light becomes about how much easier to breathe.
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