Why does hair fall out and what to do
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Hair loss - this is normal. Every day each of us (of course, except for the bald) loses 50 to 100 hairs. This is quite an impressive beam, but it should not cause concern.
Another thing, when your hairbrush every time remains a tuft of frightening dimensions or, even worse, on his head appeared zalysinki. It is important to understand where it came from attack. Layfhaker collected the most common causes.
1. You do not have enough protein
Lack of protein in the diet - a sure wayDiet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use to ensure that the hair is thin and brittle, they have slowed their growth and began to fall.
When sedentary lifestyle in the day must eat at least 1.2 g protein per kilogram body weight. If you exercise, the value increases up to 1.6-2 g
What to do
Analyze your eating habits and add to the diet of lean meats, dairy products and other protein foods if needed.
2. In your body a little iron
Iron deficiency is foundDiet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use
Often. He has plenty of symptomsIncluding unmotivated fatigue, apathy, brittle nails, hair loss. You definitely are at risk, if fond of vegetarianism, or sought to limit the amount of meat in the diet.What to do
If you see at least a couple of signs of iron deficiency anemia, refer to the therapist and hand over a blood test. Depending on the results of the study specialist will advise you to adjust the diet, adding the iron-containing products, or prescribe the necessary medication.
3. You have disturbed the balance of vitamins
shortcoming21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair vitamins B and D, or an excess of vitamins A and E can lead to certain changes in the organism. One symptom of this - a strong hair loss.
What to do
As in the previous case, the best solution is a visit to a therapist. He will appoint tests, which will help establish the lack or excess of vital vitamins your body, and then prescribe the necessary vitamin supplements or advise how to adjust diet.
4. You do hair too vigorously
Love for curling, ironing, drying with hot hair dryer, hot oil masks and weaving tight braids - a common cause of hair problems. With the constant use of these procedures can damage21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair hair themselves, causing them to break off at the roots and hair follicles.
What to do
Discard the traumatic treatments hair. Try to use a conditioner after every hair wash.
5. You experience prolonged stress
Clarify the relationship with the boss or small scandal in the minibus definitely will not make your hair fall out actively. In this case we are talking about chronic psychological strain.
Maybe you are experiencing the loss or illness of a loved one. Maybe crushes a family member, colleague or boss to you every day. Options, unfortunately enough, in any case, chronic stress does not lead to anything good. Hair loss at the same time is one of the most innocuous symptoms.
What to do
Experts famous American Mayo Clinic claimCan stress cause hair loss?That is enough to get rid of stress to the hair condition has returned to normal. Find ways to reduce emotional distress. Fortunately, their lot. If you can not handle on your own, contact a therapist.
6. You have experienced a serious physical shock
A fracture operation, an automobile accident, and sometimes even heavy influenza can backfire hair loss. Physical stress causesThe Relationship Between Stress and Hair Loss bulbs move to deposition phase. As a rule, this effect becomes evident after 3-6 months after undergoing trauma.
What to do
Wait. Hair will recover the same time as the body.
7. You lost weight too quickly
Sudden weight loss physiologists considered as one of the types of serious physical shocks. If a reduction in body weight resulted in a severe diet, then most likely, your body still and did not get the vitamins and nutrients, with implications for the hair.
Hair Loss together with appreciable weight loss could be a sign of eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.
What to do
Normalize the diet, or (if the weight loss was a pleasant consequence of a healthy way of life) simply wait for the time that the body used to the new weight.
8. You recently became a mother
Hair loss in women in childbirth is very common phenomenon. encounter with himPregnancy And Hair Loss up to 50% of women. During pregnancy, the body's estrogen levels are elevated, which, among other things, there is one interesting feature: it accelerates the growth of hair and makes the hairs firmer hold in the hair bulbs. It is for this reason, expectant mothers are not uncommon luxurious head of hair, which, although in the advertising shoot.
However, after the birth of estrogen level falls. Freshly baked mom starts to lose not only the usual number of hairs, but the ones that were supposed to fall out during pregnancy. And it looks threatening.
What to do
Just wait. Hair loss usually begins one month after giving birth and is completed in 4-5 months. When your baby turns six months, you will once again be a normal hair.
9. You have hormonal changes
Pregnancy and childbirth - a special case of such a change. Also, hair loss often lead climacteric, Age over 50 years, polycystic ovary syndrome, and even banal rejection of birth control pills. Because of the sharp drop in the level of female hormones are activated21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair androgen receptors in the scalp. They cause the hair follicles to shrink in size, the life of the hair shrinking and thinning hair.
What to do
The problem is solved normalization of hormonal levels. Talk about this with your therapist.
10. You have thyroid problems
If glandsbut It produces too much (which is called hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) hormones, it affectsHair Loss and Thyroid Disorders the state of the hair follicles. Their life cycle is reduced, and they begin to fall more active than ever. Typically, this happens several months after onset of the disease.
In addition, certain drugs for the treatment of thyroid may also cause increased hair loss.
What to do
Treat the underlying disease. To do this, contact your physician or endocrinologist. Doctors appoint you a series of blood tests, the results of which will become clear what's going on with your thyroid and how to improve the condition. Note: solution to the problem may even require surgery.
11. You are taking certain medicines
In addition to preparations for the thyroid gland to hair loss drugs often lead to lower blood pressureSome antidepressants, and even ibuprofen21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair.
What to do
Carefully read the instructions to the drug, you began to take shortly before the hair problems. If the list of side effects is found hair loss, consult your doctor. Perhaps he will select an alternative.
12. You're a man
With the loss of hair facing two of the three men over 60 years. But some of this unpleasant process involves much earlier.
Guilty then the combination of genes and male sex hormones. Most often it is: the first formed over a receding hairline at the temples, line of hair growth begins to resemble the letter M. Next, the process progresses, affecting the area of ββforehead and crown.
What to do
There are creams and pills that help if you do not restore the hair, significantly slow down their loss. Talk about it with your physician or dermatologist.
13. You have an autoimmune disease
Sometimes the failure of the immune system, hair follicles begin to seem alien objects21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair. And the immune system attacks them, causing a patchy hair loss (alopecia).
What to do
Unfortunately, often one hair is not all. The immune system can attack other organs and tissues. Therefore, if you notice that you have become much losing his hair and even more so if it came to the formation of bald patches, it is important as soon as possible address to the therapist. If necessary, he will refer you to narrow specialists.
14. You are undergoing chemotherapy
Medications that can beat cancer, often aggressive with respect to the hair. The point is this. Chemotherapy aims to destroy rapidly dividing cells. Exactly behave cancer. But hair cells divide too rapidly and fall under the blow.
What to do
Treated and wait. After the chemotherapy is stopped, your hair will grow back again and will return to its normal state. However, they often come back with a different texture. For example, begin to curl or become a different color.
15. You are taking steroids
This often err athletes who want to build up muscle mass. Muscles may actually increase in size. However, steroids have serious hormonal influenceSome Steroids May Cause Hair Loss: What You Can Do on the body, the hair follicles are damaged.
What to do
To stop hair loss, simply stop taking the drug.
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