What if a sore throat: tips to help you accurately
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Sore throat - one of the troubles with which from time to time everyone faces. However, the fact that you are already familiar with, does not mean that this can be uncomfortable and you just need to endure.
Sometimes the pain may indicate a serious threat to health. Do not miss this moment.
When the run to the doctor
As soon as possible consult a physician or audiologist if with painful sensations in the throat you see at any of the following symptomsSore throat:
- Labored breathing.
- Difficulties in order to open his mouth.
- The combined nature of pain: in addition to the throat, sore ears, eyes, tongue, and so on.
- Blood in the saliva.
- A lump in the throat, which makes it difficult to swallow.
- Eruptions in the mouth or on the skin (where it is - is not so important).
- high temperature.
It is also a cause for concern should be hoarseness, if it does not go more than two weeks.
Similar symptoms not? Well, you can breathe calmly and deal with self-diagnosis in anticipation of the visit to the doctor: he is in any case desirable. Well, to self-test took place more comfortable, we shall understand how to relieve the state of improvised means.
What to do right now, if a sore throat
1. Gargle with salt water
Grandma's advice sometimes work, and this is the case. A study in 2016 provedRinsing with Saline Promotes Human Gingival Fibroblast Wound Healing In Vitro: Saline solution reduces the activity of bacteria, reduces inflammation and promotes healing of wounds, which in combination leads to pain relief. Dissolve 1 teaspoon salt in a beaker of warm water and rinse once per hour until the leave unpleasant symptoms.
As effectiveMouth and Throat Changes soda-saline: ¹/₄ teaspoon baking soda ⅛ teaspoon and salt in a glass of warm water rinse in the same mode. Just do not swallow this "cocktail": in some cases the soda can cause stomach problems.
2. Drink chicken broth
Humidification - one of the most effective ways to quickly soothe irritated mucous membranes. So do not let dry throat.
It is best to cope with this task chicken soup: it is not only hydrating, but also a powerful anti-inflammatoryChicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis In Vitro the effect. And heat can reduce discomfort when he called colds.
3.... and warm tea
If the stock on hand there, come down and warm (not hot!) Tea: it was delicious, so, you will enjoy and be able to drink more.
Add honey - a good idea. honey hasA comparison of the effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine on nightly cough and sleep quality in children and their parents anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the throat, including helping to eliminate sore and cough.
Also he has proven himself chamomile tea. It moisturizes, reduces inflammation and swelling, and still hasChamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future antioxidant properties, that is, accelerate tissue repair. Any other herbal teas also facilitateHerbal tea helps reduce the pain of acute pharyngitis discomfort in the throat if it is caused by a cold.
4. Keep an eye on the humidity in the room
Dry air - an extra stimulus for going through hard times the nasopharynx. The optimal level of humidity in the apartment - 40-60%. And to achieve it just.
5. Try to eat something cold
For example, ice cream. Or have a little cold milk. The cold causes the blood vessels to narrow, which reduces swelling, slows down the development of inflammation and decreaseChildren's Expectations of Pain, Perceptions of Analgesic Efficacy, and Experiences With Nonpharmacologic Pain Management Strategies at Home Following Tonsillectomy pain.
6. Suck candy or caramel
They reinforce the salivation, and therefore, the mucous moistened. You can use special pharmacy lozenges pain: they contain additives, softening throat or distracting from discomfort.
7. Use pharmacy sprays and tablets
Many medications are specifically designed to facilitate the emerging colds discomfort. So, sprays and lozenges often contain local anesthetics reduce pain: benzocaine, tetracaine, lidocaine... The use of such means is shown, for example, in angina when a sore throat is severe and sharp.
It is important to remember that these drugs have contraindications, so choose them better after a consultation with a physician.
Why sore throat: the reasons for which it is worth a look to the doctor
Most often, a sore throat is caused by viral infections. So manifest themselves SARS, flu, Sore throat and not only. However, the reason can be different, e.g. bacterial. Often the pain of the larynx - a symptom of streptococcus infectionstrep Throat Group A: They are very contagious and inadequate treatment can lead to a variety of complications from an infection of the middle ear to kidney inflammation, and toxic shock syndrome.
Also, the sore throat can be caused by other, often non-obvious reasonsSore throat:
- Allergies (pollen, dust, mold, pet dander).
- Specific reaction to excessively dry air in the room.
- A variety of irritants: smoke to chemical substances contained in detergents, paints for walls, furniture and so on.
- Weathered muscle tension. For example, you like to be shouted, rooting for your favorite football team.
- Disorders of the digestive system. Say, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), whereby the stomach contents, including acid enters the esophagus and pharynx.
- HIV infection.
- Developing a tumor.
Given the abundance of possible causes, diagnosis, it's better to entrust the therapist. He can correctly decipher what exactly caused the pain in the throat, if necessary, appoint additional investigation and recommend a treatment that will help you.
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