Prostatitis: the most important thing about the disease, symptoms, and prevention
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
About sensitive diseases such as prostatitis say uncomfortable, but necessary. If you are male, you are at risk, and no one knows why.
What is prostatitis
Prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland.
The prostate gland, it is the prostate, there are only men. A small organ performs several functions: partly responsible for ejaculation, partly urination, partly to protect against infections. Therefore, when the prostate becomes ill, it is not limited to pain, for example. Problems begin in the whole of the genitourinary system.
Prostatitis - is, contrary to popular opinion, is not age-related disease.
Prostate enlargement and its cancerIndeed, more common in older men, prostatitis and you can get sick at any age.
As it happens
Like most inflammatory diseases, prostatitis is acute or chronic.
- Acute - is the one who started all of a sudden, and then either passed or become chronic. As a rule, are to blame for this development of infection events.
- Chronic - one that is manifested unpleasant symptoms, then subsides. This condition can last for years. Unfortunately, this second embodiment is widespread and causes it not only infectious.
What are the symptoms of prostatitis
Symptoms of prostatitis are slightly different depending on the type of disease. Patients of these details will help a little, but the doctor needs to make a diagnosis. So be sure to tell us the details at the reception when symptoms appear, when they subside, what, in your opinion, was the cause of the disease.
So, the main symptoms of prostatitis:
- Pain. The prostate is located below the bladder, between the urinary tract and rectum. Therefore, because of inflammation may match in several places: in the penis, surrounding it, in the scrotum, anus or generally around the lower abdomen or back. Pain may occur during ejaculation or after sex.
- Difficulty urinating. There is pain and burning, we have to run to the toilet frequently, getting up at night. It can be difficult to start and complete the process, it may even appear blood in the urine.
- Urethral. Thick liquid, which you did not notice before.
- Problems with potency.
If any of the symptoms last for more than three months, it is already chronic prostatitis. And if in acute prostatitis, all these signs of visible and not to be missed, then chronic may manifest itself only erectile dysfunction.
When going to the doctor
As soon as you notice at the listed symptoms of prostatitis. Need to pass tests and to conduct research in order to properly diagnose and prescribe treatment. Some surveys are unpleasant, but certainly not terrible prostatitis.
Can not be delayed even for a minute doctor visit if you dysuria - the inability to go to the toilet. This is a dangerous condition in which the liquid continues to accumulate in the bladder. Urgently need to move either to the hospital or call an ambulance.
Where does prostatitis
If infectious prostatitis, its reason - microorganisms which have penetrated through the urethra and up to the prostate or able to get there from other foci of infection. Infection often clings after unprotected sex, so you need to think about prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
In all other cases, it is impossible to say exactly why the prostate is inflamed. One can only assume certain stagnation due to sedentary work and the lack of sport and the influence of bad habits.
If you have prostate, you can get sick.
But there are risk factors that have warned that health at risk:
- Age from 30 to 50 years.
- Any infection in the pelvic and abdominal cavity (in the intestine, for example).
- Acute prostatitis in the past.
- Any operations and intervention in the urogenital system.
- pelvic trauma.
Than to treat prostatitis
It all depends on the reason for which he appeared. If bacteria are to blame, they are destroyed by antibiotics. Usually all this and is limited. Occasionally there are complications that require surgery and surgical treatment of the prostate.
If that is not the germs, try to reduce the symptoms with painkillers and special funds, which relax smooth muscles and help to solve problems with urination. Apply fizlechenie, warm bath, physical education - everything that will work and what will become easier.
How not to get sick prostatitis
Unfortunately, absolutely reliable prevention of prostatitis does not exist, especially when it comes to chronic disease, not caused by an infection. Reliable information that supplements, or folk remedy breakthrough method will protect you, no. All that we can - not lean on the irritating food, drink enough water to ensure the normal urination, and protects against infection:
- To monitor hygiene.
- Use condoms to prevent STIs.
- Treat until the end of any infectious diseases, especially urinary tract.
- When there are unpleasant symptoms, immediately visit a doctor to start treatment as early as possible and not run the disease.