What determines the smell of sweat and how to reduce it
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Why sweat smells
In fact, in most cases, the sweat does not smell. It is needed for the body to cool, composed mostly of water and has no odor. Do not believe me? Then just sniff for young children who frolic in the heat!
In adults, the situation is somewhat more complicated: during puberty activated the so-called apocrine sweat glands, which are already Layfhaker I told. They are concentrated mainly in the hairy parts of the body: in the armpits, in the groin, on the head. But a number of them also present on the soles and palms. Their feature - a "fat" sweat.
In addition to water and a minor amount of electrolyte-salt in apocrine sweat contains various products of protein metabolism, volatile fatty acids and other compounds. In this mixture already smell. But it is not a foul. Apocrine sweat defines individual sexual scent of each person. He barely visible, but can be dizzy, giddy - generally attract the opposite sex.
Unfortunately, in addition to members of the opposite sex, apocrine sweat, and attracts the bacteria. Another would be: a nutritional composition! Living microbes on the skin on which splashed suddenly increased dose of life-giving water, taken to reproduce udesyateronnoy speed. And where many bacteria there and waste their livelihoods: chemical compounds with an unpleasant, sweaty smell.
Which affects the smell of sweat and why some do not smell
As a rule, deal with the smell of sweat is not difficult. After you sweat, bacteria need several hours to propagate and start to smell. If during this time you will have time to take a shower, use wet wipes, change the wet clothes, the appearance of stupefying in every sense of the flavor does not threaten you.
In theory. In practice, however, as always, there are nuances.
Each individual human body. Some lucky. Even sweating seriously and not taking any hygienic measures after that, they remain for fresh (dust, dirt and so on in this case, take out of the parenthesis). According toFour Facts About Sweat American Chemical Society, these people do not have enough protein compounds needed for the reproduction of bacteria on the skin. Microbes in their sweat is nothing to profit, they breed poorly, and an unpleasant smell arises.
The smell of sweat is not familiar about 2% of Europeans and most Asians.
Others are much less lucky. They start to smell even after several hours, and almost immediately after the appearance of sweat. And it is not always in the bacteria. Often - in the peculiarities of the organism, negligence, habit to a certain way of life and even the hidden health problems.
Why sweat odor can be unpleasant and strong
1. You wear athletic or closed shoes without socks
Socks is usually made of breathable fabrics. Their main task - to remove moisture from the feet. When you neglect socks moisture wicking does not occur and the legs are literally bathed in sweat and rapidly reproducing bacteria in it.
And the bacteria in this region special: the soles like to settle bacteria species Bacillus subtilis. They giveFoot odor due to microbial metabolism and its control sweaty skin and shoes the very specific and very strong smell.
2. You wear clothes made of fabrics nonbreathers
Natural fibers such as cotton, flax, wool even exhibit breathability and wicking properties. This means that they are, first of all, allow free access of air to the skin, not allowing it to overheat and perspire heavily. And secondly, absorb sweat appeared and outputting it to the outside. In this case, the bacteria simply do not remain a breeding ground for the breeding and unpleasant smell arises.
It is quite another - SyntheticsStinky T-Shirt? Bacteria Love Polyester In A Special Way: Polyester, nylon, viscose. Such fabrics look easy and beautiful, but do not remove the moisture. As a result, the sweat is trapped, and the microbes are present nutrient pool. Their concentration increases at an accelerated pace, and an unpleasant odor before and felt stronger than in clothes made of natural fabrics.
3. You eat a lot of spices
Garlic, curry, other spice was isolated by digestion with sulfur-containing gases. According to6 Sneaky Reasons You Smell Worse Than Usual American dermatologist Mary Jean (Marie Jhin), these gases are expelled from the body, including through the pores, giving the skin an unpleasant flavor. To smell was strong, just enough to sweat.
4. You have touched on a party
The body perceives alcohol as a poison, and seeks to expand it as a soon as possible to make up and bring out. Most of the alcohol is processed in the liver and excreted in the urine.
Worse, if you drink more than can be quickly processed by the liver, or the body for some reason fails. In this case, the processing of products of ethanol are starting to stand out with breathing (so appears fume) And through the pores of the skin.
Some decay products, such as acetic acid, have very specific odor. When you sweat, they begin to rapidly evaporate from the skin and the unpleasant smell of sweat becomes apparent.
5. You are taking certain medicines
Some medications, such as fever or funds derived from morphine, sharply increased sweating, and / or by splitting the body into components, change body odor. With all the evaporating perspiration consequences.
6. Do you have some hormonal disruptions
The amount and composition of bacteria that live on the skin, depends largelyHormonal Imbalance That Causes Body Odor on the hormonal balance of the body. That is why - due to the different ratio of androgens, progesterone and estrogen - male sweat odor, usually stronger and sharper than in women.
Speed up or slow down the propagation of various bacteria on the skin can also diabetes, Menopause and other hormonal disruptions. They also, incidentally, often increase sweating, because of what bad smell becomes even more clearly.
7. You malnutrition
It is proved that a magnesium deficiencyBook: Magnesium, The Nutrient That Could Change Your Life or diet high in proteinBody Odor at the expense of other nutrients are able to give the body a sharp unpleasant odor, which increases with perspiration.
How to get rid of the smell of sweat
Given voiced the above information, the decision is obvious.
- Revise diet to remove it from the foods that increase sweating and odor.
- Wear clothes made of breathable fabrics.
- use antiperspirants: When used correctly, they not only mask the odor, but also reduce the amount of perspiration.
- Do not wear closed shoes without socks and try to regularly ventilate it.
- Check out the side effects of drugs taken by you. If medications increase sweating or cause unpleasant odor, consult your doctor about the possibility of replacing them.
- Visit the endocrinologist to make sure there are no hormonal disruptions. This is especially true if you notice a sudden change in body odor.
- Sweating, try to take a shower or use wet wipes no later than an hour and a half.
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