The dehydrated skin is characterized by dry and how to return it to health and beauty
Health / / December 19, 2019
Dry and dehydrated skin - it is absolutely different things. If you have dry skin, you should not worry, but you need to treat dehydration.
Dry skin
Dry skin - it's not terrible, it is so by nature. It's like oily or combination, only dry. This skin is thin, dull, often prone to flaking and sometimes looks dull. All this is because the skin contains little fat.
How to deal
Once and for all get rid of dry skin, you do not get: you were born with it, nothing has changed. But give it a healthy appearance is simple: you need to use moisturizing creams and masks, apply lotion after a shower and apply the cosmetics that are right for your type (Carefully read the labels!).
Often, dry skin can be confused with dehydrated, but the second differs strongly pronounced wrinkles and visible vessels. Dehydrated skin - this is a very different case.
dehydrated skin
Dehydrated skin can be any, and it is not a type, but a temporary condition. Why the skin becomes so? Firstly, because of the lack of water. insufficient
fluid intake It affects not only the general state of the organism, but also in appearance. Its role and rare care: moisturizing necessary, especially in autumn and winter. For seasonal skin dehydration factors include hypothermia, dry air, and being obsessed with a natural tan and solarium.In addition, the lack of moisture may cause frequent use of alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and the natural aging process.
And if you will not leave on the age, the power necessary to change, and bad habits - to refuse. Treat dehydration is necessary because of this, the skin loses elasticity, there are fine lines, redness, general feeling of discomfort or even itching.
How to deal
Primarily dehydration - is the lack of water. Therefore, should start with the establishment of drinking regime. Then connect a healthy diet and good sleep. All of this will help your body to be fed with moisture.
Internal moisture during dehydration is not enough, you need to add external. Proper care includes moisturizers, thermal water and a mask for dehydrated skin. And no soap! It is even more dry skin, leading to flaking and tightness. Instead, it is necessary to use milk cleanser. It is also worth to take time off from cleaning scrubsThey only injure the skin stronger.
How to choose the right cream for dehydrated skin
In its structure should be:
- hyaluronic acid or glycerin - they have a soothing effect, clean peeling;
- wax, vegetable oils, fatty acids - retain moisture;
- vitamins C, E, B - have a tonic effect;
- magnesium and calcium - to soothe, reduce inflammation;
- elastin and collagen - return elasticity;
- UV filters - protection from ultraviolet radiation.
Follow these simple rules and your body will look healthy and fresh. Any skin, regardless of the type, maintenance-free, do not forget about it!