The meat is dangerous and whether to abandon it
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
What is known about the dangers of meat
Meat increases the risk of cancer
It should immediately make a reservation, that the most harmful to human meat is considered a mammal, such as beef, pork and lamb. Many studies have found that the more a person eats red meat, the higher the likelihood of developing certain types of cancerRisk in Red Meat?. For example, colon cancer, pancreas and prostate.
Processed meats (ie, that the salted, smoked, canned, and so on) even more dangerous. Every 50 grams per day increasesIARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat the risk of bowel cancer by 18%.
If the meat is cooked for a long time or at high temperature (e.g., fried in a frying pan), a chance to make a disease again more. During this treatment of the product produced harmful substances, which may lead to cancer breast, prostate, liver, skin, lungs and other organsChemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk.
Leads to cardiovascular disease
The meat contains trans fats - are the most dangerous fats, which lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system
Eat Less Red Meat, Cut Heart Attack Risk. If more fat meat and fry, adverse effects on the heart increase. But if you reduce the consumption of red meat to 70 grams per day (ready for use), it will remain healthyMeat in your diet.Meat can cause diabetes
Diabetes the first type is almost impossible to prevent, but the likelihood of developing type II diabetes can reduce. So, vegetarians suffer from this disease twice as often as those who regularly eat red meatMeat Consumption as a Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes.
Harmful kidney
Diabetes and high blood pressure common causes of kidney failure. But excessive consumption of meat can cause this, say scientistsRed Meat Intake and Risk of ESRD. And other animal products such as milk and eggs, this effect does not apply.
Provoke bowel disease
Red meat also contributes to the development of diverticulitis - an inflammatory bowel disease. Lovers of meat the risk of diverticulitis is 58% higherMeat intake and risk of diverticulitis among menThan those who almost moved to vegetarian food.
How to reduce the harm of meat
Eat in moderation
I was scared? Do not hurry to join the ranks of vegetarians. Vegetarian diet is also not without drawbacks. And if there are no more than 500g of cooked red meat a week, the risk of cancer and other diseases is increased only slightlyRecommendations for Cancer Prevention.
Select certain types of meat
In addition, you can switch to poultry and fish, although the content of nutrients such as iron, there is less. And if there are red meat, how can less fat: it will reduce the risk of heart attack and obesity, which is often the cause of Type II diabetes.
to cook
Try roast meat in the oven, boiled or steamed. This saves more vitamins in it and will not lead to the formation of harmful substances.
Abandon meat products
And that's about the sausage, bacon, sausages better quite forget. Benefit from them little, and increase the risk of cancer, even small amounts of these foods. The thing is that during the processing of meat in it formed carcinogens - substances that damage cells. Namely, this leads to the appearance of tumors.
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