9 product for improving memory
Health / / December 19, 2019
1. Olive oil
Scientists from the US Temple University confirmedExtra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer'sThat olive oil supports memory and learning ability, and prevents the formation of vascular plaques. That's because it contains polyphenols - important antioxidants, which slow down the aging process of the brain. The longer the cells stay young, the longer they will be able to operate at full capacity. Hence, the memory will function effectively. In addition, polyphenols improves metabolism and intestinal flora.
For maximum benefit is best added as a crude oil salad dressings: Just two teaspoons a day. But frying not benefit - when heated become prominent carcinogens, and oil completely losing the beneficial properties.
2. eggs
Eggs are rich in choline - an important substance that helps form new cells and has a positive effect on the nerve endings. The better are the nerve impulses in the brain, the more effective will be our memories work. When neurons are well connected to each other, the information is digested faster. One large egg contains
Association of dietary cholesterol and egg intakes with the risk of incident dementia or Alzheimer disease: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study 20% of the daily requirement of choline - 113 milligrams.Also in an egg full of vitamins - B6, B9, B12 and D. B vitamins reduce homocysteine - hormone which can "attack" the vessel walls and form clots. Vitamins B and D to help digestion of protein, and a positive effect on brain cells, stimulating their proliferation. In addition, protein from eggs is considered the mostProtein - Which is Best? among digestible animal protein. Thus, the more eggs we eat, the more the brain receives a "building material", and cognitive abilities improved.
doctors recommendEggs and Cholesterol - How Many Eggs Can You Safely Eat?eat from 2 to 6 eggs a week.
3. Pumpkin seeds
Rich in zinc, seeds help the brain to better perceive and assimilate information. The product will provide the body with magnesium, tryptophan, selenium, vitamins B1 and K, which helpFood for fueling your brain concentration, long preservation of information in memory and reduce stress levels.
Magnesium belongs to the composition of seeds, providesMagnesium supplement helps boost brainpower positive effect on the nervous system, including the nerves that are in our minds. To get the most out of nutrients, you need to eat 50 to 100 grams sunflower seeds a day.
4. beet juice
Scientists from Wake Forest University establishedBenefits of beet juiceThat beetroot juice improves blood flow and oxygen to the brain, so that the latter is more efficient. Such juice contains antioxidants that excrete toxic substances.
To the memory work better, doctors recommendThe Truth About Beet Juice drink up to two glasses of juice a day.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli, like eggs, containFoods linked to better brainpower a large amount of choline and vitamin K. Thanks to them, improving the perception of verbal information and episodic memory, which records the events in detail. More glucosinolate in broccoli there, preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine - organic compounds that transmit nerve impulses. Thus, broccoli optimizes the functioning of the nervous system and has a positive effect on brain function. vegetables can to eat everyday.
By the way, a lot of vitamin C. Broccoli - even more than in citrus, and saturate them faster21 Best Brain Foods to Boost Your Memory and Focus due to the high fiber content.
Vegetables should be cooked immediately after purchase - or freeze to retain more vitamins and good. For prolonged storage without refrigeration nutrients will be lost.
6. Turmeric
One of the most accessible spice that has been used for centuries in Asian culture. Turmeric element contains curcumin, which improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain, and is also capable of destroying notorious vascular plaque. Bonus curcumin exertsCurcumin's ability to fight Alzheimer's studied anti-inflammatory effect.
Another useful property of turmeric - it is an immunomodulator that Deplete the peptides that trigger the development Alzheimer's disease.
The day should eat no more than a tablespoon of spice.
7. black beans
Black beans containBeans of All Kinds Equally Good for You B vitamins and important trace elements for the memory: folate, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. Together, they renew brain cells and prevent them from aging.
One of the main elements of black beans - manganese, which is required to synthesize the already familiar to us acetylcholine.
doctors recommendPaleo Diet Plan, Best Paleo Foods + Paleo Diet Recipes not to get beans with gastritis, pancreatitis and gout. For healthy people use the norm there, but it is worth remembering about the high caloric content of the product - 341 kcal per 100 grams.
8. Spinach
spinach contains5 Whole Foods to Fuel Your Brain vitamins K, A, C and pigments lutein and zeaxanthin. Vitamin K is consideredNew Vitamin K Analysis Supports The Triage Theory the best memory, as is involved in the synthesis of fats, which are important for building and work cells. Vitamins A and C help the brain function better, fight inflammation, and are useful for immunity.
Lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role for good vision, and hence the visual memory. And if so, and zeaxanthin found in the retina of the eye, lutein that can come to us only from the outside, with food of plant origin.
Spinach is the highest amount of lutein among the edible plants. It is best to eat vegetables in salads - fresh it keeps the maximum of properties - and crumble to the daily rate - about 100-150 grams of product.
9. Walnuts
The product contains protein, vitamins B, K and P, healthy fats like omega-3, phenols and essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the body and can be obtained only with food. Most importantly, alpha-linolenic acid for the memory, which helps to proliferate the cells of the brain. Walnuts also improve blood circulation and are a source of antioxidantsFight against Alzheimer's disease: New research on walnuts.
In addition, nuts help lower blood pressure and protect the arteries, a beneficial effect on the heart and brain. Without harm to the figures of the day, you can eat 20 to 30 grams.
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