What are the benefits of garlic and someone with him to be careful
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Garlic adds not only exquisite dishes (well, or specific) taste, but also some very important substances for the human body.
For example, allicinAllicin: chemistry and biological properties - an unstable sulfur compound, which is formed by razzhovyvanii, crushing or crushing garlic cloves. It is the substance responsible for the very unique smell. Actually, this scent - a protective mechanism by which garlic is trying to scare away the animals, tending his chew. But it's a slightly different story.
In addition, it contains other sulfur compounds - diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine, and a decent amount of vitamins and trace elements. Four cloves (about 28 g) provideGarlic, raw you:
- manganese - about 23% of the recommended daily allowance;
- vitamin B6 — 17%;
- vitamin C - 15%;
- Selenium - 6%.
Throw in fiber, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 - and garlic proves to be very nutritious vegetable. But still able to improve their health.
7 reasons to eat garlic every day
Here are just a few of its useful propertiesGarlic.
1. Possible, strengthens the immune system and helps with colds
At least one large studyPreventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey showed that if every day to eat garlic, the frequency of different SARS is reduced on average by 63% - as compared with the use of placebo.
And even if such a person (for the sake of accuracy, we note that the volunteers ate not the teeth, and supplement with allicin) sick, cold symptoms, he gets rid of a lot faster - for a half day to five in the group placebo.
According to othersSupplementation with aged garlic extract improves both NK and γδ-T cell function and reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition interventionAdding to the diet of garlic extract improves the function of immune cells. And the people who take it, get sick twice as often as those who do without the fragrant plants.
Despite this information, the medicine is still cautious and insists that more research is needed. But if you often cling cold, it is worth to try to connect this vegetable.
2. Lowers blood pressure
It is important for those who suffer from hypertension. The use of about four cloves a day for 24 weeks or longer reduces blood pressure as effectivelyEffects of Allium sativum (garlic) on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with essential hypertensionAs well as certain medications.
This is not the only study on this bill. Garlic is really a way to curb high blood pressure - is confirmed by scientific fact.
3. It reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol
Daily consumption of garlic reducesGarlic as a lipid lowering agent-a meta-analysis cholesterol in general and low-density lipoprotein (LDL - the same "bad" cholesterol) in particular. The effect is most noticeable if you eat 3-4 cloves every day for 8 weeks or more.
4. Opposes the development of senile dementia
Garlic contains large amounts of antioxidantsAntioxidant health effects of aged garlic extractWhich among other things protects against mutations and damage brain cells. Thus, the inclusion of this plant in the diet helps to reduce theGarlic reduces dementia and heart-disease risk the risk of developing memory disorders and dementia, including disease Alzheimer's.
5. Lowers blood sugar
This is particularly noticeableEffect of garlic supplement in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in people who suffer from type 2 diabetes. And the effect is seen after 1-2 weeks of daily consumption of vegetables.
More studies are continuing, however, scientists call them very promising. Garlic is recommended to include in the therapy of type 2 diabetes. But it is highly desirable to do so under the supervision of a physician.
6. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer
The Chinese men who eat at least one large cloves per day, the risk of developing prostate cancer by 50% lowerGarlic, Chives Reduce Prostate CancerThan those who do not eat garlic at all, or very little content (up to one third segments) doses.
7. A remedy for fatigue
Fatigue caused by exercise, retreatGarlic as an anti-fatigue agent or become less pronounced, if you eat at least 1-2 cloves. Scientists still do not understand what has caused this effect. However, garlic is considered a promising tool, which can help overcome fatigue.
Who should be more careful with garlic
In addition to use, in garlic and may be side effects. authoritative medical resource WebMD experts urgeGarlic do not abuse this vegetable for those who:
- He is suffering from bleeding disorders. Garlic, especially fresh, may increase the risk of bleeding.
- It has problems with the stomach or digestion. Vegetable irritate the gastrointestinal tract and can cause heartburn or other disorders of the digestive process.
- It has low blood pressure.
- Preparing for surgery. Here again, the risks associated with deterioration of blood clotting.
- Suffering from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
And in any case, if you want to use garlic as a preventive measure, just in case, consult your physician. Most likely, your doctor will approve your decision and help you choose the right daily dose of fresh vegetable or garlic supplements.
But perhaps especially your health such that lean on it, you should not. And it's better to figure out the issue with a physician beforehand.
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