Laser removal of tattoos: it pays to know before you decide
Health / / December 19, 2019
What is the procedure to
Mankind has adorned his body paintings from ancient times. Tattoo, unlike painting, is a dye accumulation (pigment ink) within skin cells. It forms therein tiny droplets of 2-400 nanometers (1 nanometer = 1 · 10−9 meters). Do drop in a cell packed into larger spheres in 0.5-4 micrometer (1 micrometer = 1 · 10−6 meters).
Once the tattoo could be removed only traumatic ways: excision, ie surgically remove; dermabrasion - literally scrape skin. Such procedures often lead to scarring. In the sixties of the last century, medicine began to use lasers, but then began to practice laser tattoo removal. And in the nineties, this method has already become the most popular.
The mechanism of lightening a tattoo by the laser has not yet been studied in detail. It is believedLaser-Tissue Interaction in Tattoo Removal by Q-Switched LasersThat brings the laser beam energy that is absorbed by the colorant particles. They heat up and break down. Thus the cell containing the foreign pigment boils inside and destroyed. Further, "fragments" and colorant are trapped by macrophages of the immune system - shapeless cells able to absorb foreign substances - with the flow of lymph removed from the skin.
What influences the effect
the tattoo itself
What matters is everything: color and chemical composition of the inkTattoos: From Ancient Practice to Modern Treatment Dilemma; area and location of the tattoo; how long ago it was made; the degree of damage to the skin during the application - the depth of pigment deposition and scarring; Which tool to use for the application.
skin type
What matters is the degree of pigmentation of the skin: it dark or light. You can remove unnecessary decoration with the skin of any color, but the machine operation must conform to it. The state of health of the skin is also important.
Selectivity and efficiency of laser action depends on such parameters of its operation, as the wavelength and pulse duration.
The ideal is to destroy all possible colors and dye is minimal damage to the skin, energy is required to strictly defined wavelength Tattoos: From Ancient Practice to Modern Treatment DilemmaThat is not always possible. Therefore, some tattoo dyes to reduce complex. Black pigment is easiest to remove.
The gold standard of laser removal tattoo It is to use QS-lasers (Q-Switch - One of the characteristics of the modern device) with the selection function laser wavelength and under the skin color ink with pulse duration, measured in nanoseconds (1 · 10−9 seconds). It takes several treatments with a frequency of once a month.
In the most modern and efficient lasers that are particularly suitable Safety and effectiveness of black tattoo clearance in a pig model after a single treatment with a novel 758 nm to 500 picosecond laser: a pilot study Removal quality professional tattoos, the pulse duration is measured in picoseconds (trillionth of a second 1 × 10−12 seconds).
What to prepare
In the procedure there are contraindications
There are the usual, such as heart and vascular diseases, mental illness, pregnancy, skin diseases and others. There are also individual. If you have had a reaction of intolerance when applying the tattoo, which then took place, when a laser removal allergy could return in a more severe and dangerous form.
It takes a few trips to the beautician
Quickly complete tattoo removal is not possible - it honestly say medical practitioners. According to a studyLaser Treatment of Professional Tattoos With a 1064/532-nm Dual-Wavelength Picosecond LaserYou need to spend an average of 7-8 treatments at intervals of about a month between them.
This is a long and laborious work, so that you are required patience, perseverance and, of course, material cost, and the specialist - knowledge and skills. Much depends on the technical equipment.
Tattoo in the course of the procedure much pale, but, unfortunately, this effect is short-lived. And after about 15 minutes the color returns, becoming a little lighter. This is better to know in advance.
The process can be painful
To combat pain physicians use different methods of local anesthesia (to reduce the intensity themselves sensations) in combination with light sedatives - to relieve stress load on the patient and reducing perceptions pain.
Beauticians work with air cooling unit that reduces pain by cold air jets (temperature -30 to -60 ° C). This relatively new technique is called in English Pneumatic skin flattening (PSF). He has already received a positive assessment in the course of researchPain inhibition in Q-switched laser tattoo removal with pneumatic skin flattening (PSF): a pilot study..
In a simplified form of local cooling is performed using ice packs. It is also applied to the skin creams with anesthetics Comparison of lidocaine / tetracaine cream and lidocaine / prilocaine cream for local anaesthesia during laser treatment of acne keloidalis nuchae and tattoo removal: results of two randomized controlled trials..
Sometimes practice injections - injections of the drug (e.g., lidocaine) tattoo in the skin area.
On pain affects the laser itself. Modern devices smaller injure the skin around the tattoo.
Possible side effects and complications after the procedure
- There may be swelling, redness, itching, pain, minor bleeding.
- Sometimes tattoo inks change color after the procedure.
- The medical literature describes the individual casesIntraoperative Localized Urticarial Reaction During Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser Tattoo Removal allergic reactions which appear after laser tattoo removal.
- When entering infections may require reception of antibacterial drugs and local treatment.
Most side effects go away on their own. But so, alas, it is not alwaysLaser and Light Source Treatments for the Skin. After the procedure, you may need special skin care.
How to choose a clinic and a specialist
Check for the clinic and its doctors license for this type of service, study reviews. Some doctors spread in open access examples of their work, which will help you appreciate the skill. Then, call the clinic and ask a few questions:
- Which device works doctor. Modern stationary lasers are very expensive, not every medical facility can afford such a purchase.
- That is used to reduce pain.
- How to ensure your safety during the treatment. When working with laser are requiredResolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 18.05.2010 N 58 (ed. from 06.10.2016) special goggles and the physician and for the patient throughout the procedure, since the laser beam can seriously damage the eyes. High-power lasers should be placed in a separate room with a matte finish of the walls, and the doctor must be authorized to work with him.
- What are the possible complications, guarantees, as well as follow-up procedures discounts (they take a few).
If no one, including the doctor did not answer your questions - it should be alerted.
Leather - it is our link with the outside world. Our antenna. It can send and receive signals, and it also gives food to our senses.
Yael Adler, author of "What hides skin. Two square meters, which dictate how we live "
Therefore, come to the note tattoos responsibly. The best that medicine offers today - is the removal of the laser. But some people, such a procedure is contraindicated. Before making a final decision, consult with your doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist.
see also
- Vzhuh and tattoo disappeared →
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- What is important to know before making a tattoo →