Where does the blood pressure and why to measure the pressure, if you're all right
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Diseases of the cardiovascular system - the most common cause of death in the world. Of them die more than 17 million people a year, it's one in three. And 9.5 million cases - it is hypertension complicationsGlobal summary of the WHO on hypertension.
Hypertension - is high blood pressure. The heart pumps blood which propagates through the vessels and acts on their walls - and receive blood pressure. From high blood pressure are most affected heart, because he has to work harder.
Normally, the systolic (upper) pressure - 120 mmHg, it is determined when the heart contracts, the blood at the time of ejection. Diastolic (lower) - 80 mm, it is fixed at the moment of relaxation of the heart.
These figures are not absolute: the 130 and 105 mm systolic pressure - is still the norm. When the systolic pressure for 140 passes, and the bottom 90, it also is hypertension (hypertension)High Blood Pressure. When her blood does not flow to all organs, heart failure develops.
Due to the strong pressure of blood vessel walls deteriorate. They are thinner and bulges are formed aneurysm. And such a thin deformed container may break and cause life-threatening condition.
Apart from the fact that high blood pressure - a direct route to the heart attacks and stroke, this condition affects the other organs. For example, the kidneys and the nervous system. The consequences - chronic renal failure and encephalopathy (disturbance of the brain).
Where does the hypertension
Basically sick people who are predisposed to increased pressure. But if you look again at the statistics, it appears that a third of the planet was not lucky.
In this case, the incidence is increasing. And the World Health Organization experts blame the growth of cities and the lifestyle change that affects the so-called behavioral factors of hypertension:
- Smoking and alcohol. Nicotine and ethyl alcohol vessels constrict, and hence harder to push blood heart.
- Sedentary lifestyle. Due to the fact that people move a little, heart and blood vessels are lazy, even for their peaceful work becomes too difficult.
- Excess weight. Just because the fat is stored in the internal organs, including the heart.
- Stress. Constant tension affects the blood vessels.
Age does not play a special role. Pressure may rise in 25 years, and 65, although 65 it happens more often.
How to recognize high blood pressure
The sooner you learn about the beginning of the disease, the better. Drugs help to effectively reduce the pressure, and diet and a healthy lifestyle in the early stages of the disease show excellent results.
Among adults sick every third, but not everyone knows about it, because the onset of high blood pressure has no symptoms.
When the pressure increases, people may feel that it is often a headache, shortness of breath, lung appears after loading begins insomniaAnd fatigue rolls too quickly. Sometimes patients feel that the heart beats more often notice swelling feet at the end of the day, some have nosebleeds.
To keep track of hypertension before the onset of symptoms, to find out if you are at risk. Remember who from their ill or sick hypertension, consider how often you are nervous and drink. If you smoke, you are automatically at risk.
Buy a first aid kit in the home electronic blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure yourself. To make any conclusions, you need some time to measure the pressure in the morning and evening, and record the results. Ideally, such monitoring is needed at least for a couple of weeks to see the mean and draw conclusions about the state of the vessels. These checks need to go at least once a year.
And if you're not at risk, at least not shirk mandatory medical examinations and do not hesitate to ask a guest to check the blood pressure cuff.
What if the pressure is high
The first to come to the doctor to check, why do you have increased pressure.
Hypertension is a primary, then there is an underlying disease, which appeared by itself, and the secondary, when high blood pressure - only a consequence of another disease.
The doctor will check what you type, and will select the appropriate treatment. As a rule, it consists of a tablet, reducing the pressure, and changes in diet and habits.
In many cases, drugs for hypertension have to take always for life, regardless of what you have been pressure in the morning and how you feel.
Ask this question of a doctor. If this is your case, do not throw treatment because you "feel better."
How to protect against high pressure
All that we can do - get out of risk. This is the best way that in the case of hypertension really work.
For example, every extra 5 kg pressurized by an average of 5.2 pointsQuestions and answers about hypertension. What more needs to be done to keep the vessels:
- Eat less salt. The marginal rate - 5 grams per day, it is a teaspoon. This includes that the salt contained in the finished product.
- There are at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits a day.
- Every half an hour a day to devote to something active. Not necessarily go to the gym or jogging in the morning, enough to go for a walk after work and take a few stops on the average rate.
- Do not smoke and do not lean on alcohol.
- Less live through. Learning to manage emotions is difficult, but necessary. Gladden the heart, stop worrying.