The Science of sleep strongly recommends that anyone and everyone to maintain a sufficient level of night rest throughout life, in order to enjoy the full allotted time and do not go into another world before the put. Unfortunately, sometimes one desires insufficient sleep. Sometimes a person simply can not get to sleep or to achieve a satisfactory quality of sleep due to his frustration, which we will want to tell.
1. Insomnia
Insomnia, aka insomnia - a very indiscriminate and widespread sleep disorder that occurs in people of all ages. Characterized by insufficient duration and / or low quality of sleep, it takes place on a regular basis over a long period of time (three times a week for a month or two).
Causes. Stress, a side effect of drugs, anxiety or depression, alcohol abuse, drugs reception means, disturbance of circadian rhythms due replaceable work schedules, somatic and neurological diseases, constant fatigue, lack of hygiene of sleep and its adverse conditions (stale air, external noise, excessive illumination).
Symptoms. Difficulty falling asleep and sleep conservation concern lack of sleep and its consequences, the deterioration of mental and physical efficiency as well as reduction of social functioning.
Treatment. Diagnosis of the cause of sleep disorders - the first step to getting rid of insomnia. To identify the problem may need a comprehensive survey, from a medical examination and to polysomnography (registration indices sleeping man special computer programs).
While standing start with foundations, Long-time tested and a lot of people: the rejection of an afternoon nap, control overeating in the evening, following the exact schedule of daily bedtime, ventilation and shading the room, small exercise before bedtime, avoiding mental excitement of the games, TV, books, welcome cool shower before bedtime.
When the failure of the measures taken may need help of a psychologist, treating the underlying physical or neurological diseases according to medical prescription.
2. Restless legs syndrome
RLS - a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs and is manifested in the quiescent state is usually in the evening and at night. It occurs in all age groups, but mostly in middle-aged and older, with 1.5 times more common in women.
Causes. Allocate a primary (idiopathic) and secondary (symptomatic) sc. The first occurs in the absence of any somatic or neurologic diseases and is associated with heredity, and the second may be caused by iron deficiency, magnesium, folic acid, thiamine or vitamin B group in the body, thyroid diseases, and also in uraemia, diabetes, chronic lung disease, alcoholism, and many other diseases.
Symptoms. Unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs itching, scraping, stabbing, Expander or pressing nature, as well as the illusion of "pins and needles." To get rid of the heavy feelings people have to shake or stand up, rub and massage them.
Treatment. The first treatment is aimed at correcting the primary disease or replenishment detected deficit useful for the body elements. Non-pharmacological treatment involves rejection of drugs which may enhance sc (e.g., antipsychotics, metoclopramide, antidepressants and others), combined with moderate exercise during the day, the feet rinsing in warm water or vibratory massage feet. Drug therapy may be limited to reception sedative (anxiolytic) agents or grow in the course of the benzodiazepine drugs, dopaminergic agents, anticonvulsants, opioids.
3. Behavioral disorder of REM sleep
It is a failure in the functioning of the central nervous system and is expressed in physical activity during sleep REM sleep. FBH (REM-phase, rapid eye movement phase) is characterized by elevated brain activity dreams and paralysis of the human body except for the muscles respond to the heartbeat and breath. When behavioral disorders FBH human body becomes abnormal "freedom" movement. In 90% of cases the disease affects men, mostly after age 50, although there were cases and nine years patients. It is a rare disease, occurring in 0.5% of the world's population.
Causes. Not exactly known, but is seen connected to various degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, or dementia syndrome Shaya - Dreydzhera. In some cases the disorder is caused by alcohol or antidepressant.
Symptoms. Conversations or shouts in a dream, active movements of the limbs, their twisting, jumping out of bed. Sometimes the "attacks" turn into injuries that are near the sleeping people or by the patient because of the violent blows inflicted on the items of furniture.
Treatment. Antiepileptic drug "clonazepam" helps 90% of patients. In most cases, it is not addictive. If the drug does not work, prescribed melatonin - a hormone regulator of circadian rhythms.
4. Sleep apnea
No other than the stop respiratory movements with short-term cessation of mechanical ventilation. Itself a sleep disorder is not life threatening, but can cause other serious diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, pulmonary hypertension, obesity.
Causes. Sleep apnea may be caused by a narrowing and spadenie upper respiratory tract with a characteristic snoring (Obstructive sleep apnea) or absence of "breathing" of impulses from the brain to the muscles (central apnea sleep). Obstructive sleep apnea occurs more often.
Symptoms. Snoring, sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, headaches.
Treatment. One of the most effective treatments for obstructive sleep apnea is CPAP therapy - continuous maintenance of a positive pressure in the airways by means of a compressor unit.
But regular or periodic use of CPAP devices is not for all people, in connection with which they agree on some surgical removal pharyngeal tissues to increase the airway lumen. Popular and laser plastic soft palate. Of course, these methods of treatment should be prescribed only after a detailed examination of human health.
As an alternative to surgery is proposed to use a special intraoral devices to maintain the lumen of the respiratory tract - caps and nipples. But as a rule, they do not have no positive effect.
As for central sleep apnea, it also is effective CPAP therapy. In addition thereto carried tuned medication.
We should not forget about prevention, which must be puzzled as early as possible. For example, it is recommended to give up smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise and lose weight, sleep on side, lift the headboard, practice special breathing exercises to help strengthen the muscles of the palate and pharynx.
5. sleeping disease
Disease of the nervous system related to hypersomnia, which are characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness. Narcolepsy is very rare, mainly affects young men.
Causes. Little reliable information, but scientific studies link the lack of orexin - the hormone responsible for maintaining wakefulness.
Presumably disease is hereditary in combination with the outer precipitating factor such as viral diseases.
Symptoms. Narcolepsy can be manifested by one or more symptoms simultaneously:
- Daytime sleepiness and irresistible episodes of sudden sleep attacks.
- Cataplexy - a kind of human condition in which it loses muscle tone as a result of strong emotional upheaval of positive or negative nature. Typically, cataplexy is developing rapidly, which leads to a drop in a relaxed body.
- Hallucinations while falling asleep and do spill similar to waking dreams, when people still did not sleep, but it is already feeling the visual and sound vision.
- Palsy sleepy during the first seconds and sometimes minutes after waking. In this case, a person is in clear consciousness, but is able to move only his eyes and eyelids.
Treatment. Current therapy is unable to cope with the disease, but can mitigate the symptoms. Drug treatment involves receiving stimulants, reducing drowsiness and debilitating symptoms of cataplexy and sleep paralysis.
6. Somnambulism
Disease, better known as somnambulism or sleepwalking, characterized by physical activity, while it is in sleep state. On the part of sleepwalking may seem quite harmless, because sleep can deal with the most common household chores: get out, watch TV, listen to music, paint, brush your teeth. However, in some cases, a sleepwalker may harm their health or commit violence against randomly encountered by man. somnambulist eyes are usually open, it is able to navigate in space, to respond to simple questions, but its action is still unconscious. Waking up, sleepwalker does not remember his nocturnal adventures.
Causes. Lack of or poor quality of sleep, painful, or fever, taking certain drugs, alcoholism and drug addiction, stress, anxiety, epilepsy.
Symptoms. Apart from the usual movement and perform simple operations, can be observed sleep in the sitting position, and muttering involuntary urination. Often wake a sleepwalker is not where you go to sleep, for example, instead of a bed on the couch, chair or in a bathroom.
Treatment. Often people who suffer from sleepwalking, do not need medical treatment. They are advised to reduced stress levels and sleep hygiene. In case of insufficiency of the measures taken prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers reception. Also practiced treatment with hypnosis.
7. Bruxism
Expressed rattle or tapping his teeth in sleep. The duration of the attack can be measured in minutes and repeated several times during the night. Sometimes the sound is so powerful that it starts to deliver uncomfortable around people. But far more damage bruxism causes most sleeping: he compounded with the tooth enamel problems, gums and jaw joints.
Causes. No reliable information. Theories of bruxism as a result of the presence of worms in the body, environmental factors or the need for undermining the teeth are not scientifically proven. The most likely reasons - stress, mental imbalance, mental fatigue and nervousness. It is not uncommon occurrence of bruxism in people with malocclusion.
Symptoms. Morning migraines and headaches, complaints of pain in the facial muscles, temples, jaw, ringing in the ears. With long-term nature of the disorder erases hard tissue of teeth and caries develops.
Treatment. Self-deliverance from stress or psychological counseling. Patients bruxism individually manufactured caps that protect teeth from rubbing.
8. Night terrors and nightmares
For all the unpleasant uniformity horrors and nightmares, they are differently expressed during sleep time.
Night terrors come in the deep sleep phase, during which almost no dreams, so the person wakes up from a sense of despair and a sense of catastrophe, but can not describe a detailed picture of events.
Nightmares also occur in REM sleep, during which dreams occur, and. A man awakens from heavy emotions, and thus he is able to describe the details of what was happening.
Disturbing dreams often occur at a younger age, with a gradual decrease in frequency as they grow older.
Causes. There are several theories of the emergence of night terrors and nightmares. For example, heavy dream may be the result of previously experienced traumatic events, it may be indicative of an impending illness. Often the horrors and nightmares occur in the general background of depressive and anxiety. It is believed that they also have a warning function, enhancing human phobia in a dream, that he remained cautious as possible in life.
Some antidepressants and drugs that regulate blood pressure, can cause unpleasant dreams.
fascination with horror stories in movies, games and books can play a negative role in the occurrence of horrors and nightmares.
Symptoms. Cries and moans, pressure and sweating, rapid breathing and heartbeat, sudden awakening in fright.
Treatment. Getting rid of stress, acquiring new positive emotions, sleep hygiene - the first steps to getting rid of night terrors and nightmares. In some cases you may need treatment by a psychotherapist or reception of medicines.
Have you ever suffer from a sleep disorder? What techniques have helped you get rid of them?