How to strengthen the immune system of the child
Health / / December 19, 2019
Being a parent - is complex and very nervous. Every day, new research published in the medical field, and the list of chronic diseases that your child can make a child, updated almost daily. Eczema, asthma, allergies, lactose intolerance and behavioral problems such as attention span syndrome - all of this comes in the form of nightmares and prevents live.
But you can save yourself from constant fear, and the child - of all these problems, if we just let him be happy to wallow in the mud. This view has recently become more and more supporters.
Parents try to protect the child from those things that are considered dangerous to his health. Continually treated with an antiseptic soap and almost everything that surrounds the baby. The result is obtained absolutely opposite: study conducted by the journal Occupational EnvironmentalLidia Casas, Ana Espinosa, Alícia Borràs-Santos.Domestic use of bleach and infections in children: a multicentre cross-sectional study. It found that children who are more in contact with antiseptics, colds by 20% more.
Dr. Maya Shetrit-Klein (Maya Shetreat-Klein) of the same opinion:
Microbes, fresh food, stay in nature will help to strengthen the child's health. Medications are not able to do what can a long walk in the woods.
Over the past few years it has become apparent: microbiome person - a unique community of microorganisms in the intestine - is vital to the immune system and human health. The more diverse the set, the better, and excessive sanitization deprives our bodies of this diversity.
In this case, one teaspoon of soil contains the same number of microorganisms, how many people on the planet.
Of course, no one calls have land spoons. However, studies show: children who grow up in the villages and on farms, are much less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma, because they are regularly exposed to huge amounts of microorganisms.
To the child's health has been strengthened, quite often walk in the open air (in the park, in the woods near ponds) and to eat food grown in living soil. Children must play in the mud, dirty and have fun without worrying about the fact that their bodies get germs.
This is not quantum physics and magic. These are simple principles that are based on common sense and are supported by research findings.
That will help to strengthen the immune system of the child
1. Stay on nature
Often walk with your child outdoors. Let it play in the grass, the trees, get dirty in the mud - do not scold him for it. So you'll train the immune system.
2. Brees
Broth, cooked on the bone, contains healthy fats that support the immune system of the child. The broth can be used as a base for soup or as a separate dish - you decide.
3. eggs
eggs rich in cholesterol, essential for the immune system and the brain. If the chicken is well fed, the eggs contain choline and fatty acids omega-3, essential for good health, memory and attention.
Vitamins containing these substances is often sold as a tablet for increasing the concentration of the child. Do not be fooled: everything you need your kid can provide the right diet.
4. Products with a bitter taste
Peel fruits and vegetables, herbs, tea, Dark chocolate - all of these products are unified by a bitter aftertaste. Substances that are responsible for it, help to balance the appetite, strengthen the immune system, stabilize blood sugar levels.
5. fermented food
Drum cucumbers, sauerkraut, live yoghurt - is rich in probiotic food that is beneficial microbes and thus, strengthens the immune system.