Can grass win anxiety
Health / / December 19, 2019
A doctor from the Mayo Clinic explains what is known about the soothing effect of herbs and whether they can do much harm.
Brent Bauer
Physician of the highest category, the Program Director of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.
Yes, herbs can help. But natural does not always mean harmless. And herbal medicines have side effects. Before taking them, be sure to check with your doctor, especially if you have allergies or if you are regularly taking any medicines. Interactions of herbs with other drugs can lead to serious consequences.
Kava (kava)
The beverage of the roots of this plant has a calming effect. It is taken for relaxation and clarity of mind, and also advised in generalized anxiety disorder. For a time it was thought that the content of supplements cava impaired liver. But according to recent studiesKava hepatotoxicity in traditional and modern use: the presumed Pacific kava paradox hypothesis revisited., It is not the plant itself, and how it was grown. Toxic only raw materials, which were in some impurities or harmful bacteria.
According to severalPassionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam. clinical researchEffects of Passion Flower Extract, as an Add-On Treatment to Sertraline, on Reaction Time in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder., Passionflower extract helps fight anxiety. But usually supplements it is combined with other herbs, it is difficult to identify the effect of individual component.
Passionflower is considered safe if taken according to instructions. In rare cases it was observed side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and disorientation.
Valerian reduces stress and anxiety, but does not work at all and is considered safe in moderate doses. However, do not take it for more than two or three weeks without consulting a doctor. With prolonged use or overdose may occur headaches, Dizziness, drowsiness.
According to studiesA randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral Matricaria recutita (chamomile) extract therapy for generalized anxiety disorder.This plant reduces anxiety. Intermittent reception chamomile is considered safe. But beware: it can thin the blood. It should not be taken with other drugs krovorazzhizhayuschimi.
In addition, chamomile can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to the whole family Asteraceae. It includes marigold, calendula, daisy, chrysanthemum.
According to some studiesLavender and the Nervous System., Oral administration (ie by mouth) and lavender aromatherapy helpful for anxiety disorders. However, data are insufficient. Admission lavender inside can lead to constipation and headaches, increased sedation and other medications to lower blood pressure.
According to preliminary informationPilot trial of Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract in the treatment of volunteers suffering from mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances., Lemon balm reduces the symptoms of anxiety such as nervousness and irritability. It is well tolerated by the body and is considered safe for short-term admission. In rare cases can cause nausea and pain in the stomach.
Please note that some herbs can cause drowsiness. If you take them, be careful when driving vehicles and operating machinery.
If the alarm is stopping you live, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor. When serious forms anxiety disorders necessary medical treatment and psychological support.