REVIEW: "The Art of Visualization in Business" - a reference book for professionals in the presentations and infographics
Books / / December 19, 2019
For the first time with the need to build charts and diagrams are not by hand, and using Excel or Access I encountered at the university course on the third, when the statistics and macroeconomics. Working with data since 9 years took a step forward - but the quality of beautiful diagrams, information charts and "pie charts" was no more. Even the domestic media do not always use a visual representation of facts and figures on TV and on the Internet. Although it is visual information people see better and faster than most. The book, which now lies on my desk - not just a statement of fact and a professional manual for those who are "bars" and "ladder" draws every day and this for a living.
Nathan Yau
Engaged in writing articles and create different schedules for the thematic content of the project FlowingData (dedicated to data visualization, statistical arrays and design). Received a master's degree, master's thesis on personal data visualization. Also I wrote a book, Data Points: Visualization That Means Something ( «Data Entry Points: visualization, which makes sense"). With his experiments in the visual presentation of information can be found on pages
The first impression of the book
Take in hand - and you know that before you is not just a beautiful gift album infographic and a solid textbook. In fact, students and technical and liberal arts colleges such a book would be useful to boring lectures about building diagrams. Illustrative examples, algorithms and steps are divided into sections depending on what data and in what form you want to show your audience.
the most useful
Actually, you can not read the whole book from beginning to end, but only the chapter or section that you need at the time to prepare materials for your presentation, speak at a conference or just to discuss ideas with colleagues.
And then you are unlikely to again enclose presentation "sheets of text."
Reading this book, you know that the information does not happen a lot: is the wrong interpretation. After all, it is important not just to outline mountain digits. It is important to show what exactly they say all the tables and charts you created.
Nathan Yau explains where to find the data you need, how to format, process and prepare for the correct visualization, as well as what software should be used for these purposes.
There are also practical examples of data visualization with the R and Adobe Illustrator, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For the most hardcore marketers and analysts have even learned to create interactive maps based on Python, SVG, ActionScript and Flash.
To read
Marketers - to understand how to affect the proper charts and diagrams to your customers and users. And also to make beautiful presentations.
Startups - to make beautiful presentations not just for presentations, but also for the presentation of sense (financial and managerial) in a digestible form. And also, to conquer the investors.
Journalists - if you work in the field of investigative journalism and data journalism, then reading this book you should definitely.
Designers - think, needless to explain why designers useful book on data visualization, and even with a set of lessons.
"Art in the imaging business. How to present complex information in a simple way, "Nathan Yau
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