Top Books for parents in 2018 year
Books / / December 19, 2019
Publisher "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" has selected six titles that will be useful at different stages of parenthood - from the appearance of a baby born to a GCSE.
"I'm his mother," Chiara Hunt and Marina Vogl
Nine months of waiting baby for the mother filled with new sensations, thoughts and discoveries. At this time the well-known proverb "Knowledge - force" more relevant than ever.
This book - a frank discussion about what awaits for the woman and how to deal with it. It presents an honest and calm look at pregnancy and childbirth, answers to their questions and advice from physiotherapists, obstetricians and pediatricians.
And yet - a lot of humor, companionship with like-minded and personal stories of women who have recently become mothers.
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"How to teach a child to learn," Carol Vorderman
We firmly to their children: "You have to learn! Listening to teachers, memorizing everything, write well control. " But how? Few people understand how to really help your child gain interest in learning and master the huge amount of information.
Every child is talented and capable, but we all have different ways of perceiving. This book will help you choose the ones that suit your child. She will tell you what forms and styles of learning there how to motivate the child and instill self-reliance, to develop creative thinking and memory, prepare for exams.
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"How to explain the science of the child," Carol Vorderman
In this series there is a separate guide to the natural sciences. In it difficult concepts curriculum are explained in simple examples are shown using infographics, bright illustrations and visual schemes. It works like this: at first with interest read a book, and then easily perform hometasks and apply knowledge in the classroom.
This flow helps turn abstract phenomena, which tells the teacher, to close, clear and amazing, to see the beauty and complexity of nature, truly get excited about exploring the surrounding world.
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"How to explain to the child the math," Carol Vorderman
Judging by the reviews on this book, many parents have learned to solve quadratic trinomial and draw a histogram. It turned out, this is nothing difficult - the trick is how to explain.
The guide all laid out on shelves, without tediousness and long explanations, but with examples and step-discrimination. Charts, diagrams, illustrations, will help to quickly deal with homework and successfully cope with the control.
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"Elephant calf, who wants to go to sleep," Carl-Johan Forss Erlin
This book is written by professional psychologist. Its mission - to help the child quickly, easily and without the vagaries fall asleep. Listening to the tale of slononka who is looking for the way to his crib, baby relaxes, gets rid of the stress accumulated during the day, and then quietly and soundly asleep.
The first "sleepy" Erlin Book - "Rabbit, who wants to sleep" - became a worldwide bestseller and evening companion for thousands of parents. The secret of his method is to use special techniques: in some places it is necessary to appeal to the child by name, in other slow rate of speech intonation or highlight individual words. Kid listening, and his eyes stick together by themselves.
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"I'm not afraid of the dark!", Helena Harashtova and Jakub Tsenkl
Darkness frightens many kids. As soon as the lights go out, things become frightening and sounds and noises interfere with sleep. This book will help you cope with unpleasant emotions through play.
At every turn is a "terrible" situation - a dark room where monsters lurk. But it is necessary to pull the special tag, both directly on the pages lit light and turn into ghosts familiar objects. Familiar examples of the child, beautiful illustrations and good humor to help cope with the main children's fears.
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