What to read in the November 13 new books for every taste
Books / / December 19, 2019
"Patrick Melrose", Edward St Aubyn
After the resounding success of the same name mini-series Benedict Cumberbatch out books about Patrick Melrose in the Russian did not wait. The plot tells the heir of a wealthy family. He is trying to overcome addictions and cope with the traumas of childhood, where his parents are guilty.
The love for creativity St Aubin recognized by many prominent writers of our time. The thing is combining the dramatic content with incredible wit of the author. Therefore, all those who appreciated the hard and bright film adaptation of the story, the book is exactly like it.
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"Hippie" by Paulo Coelho
The famous Brazilian writer continues to produce one book after another. According to the author, all the events of the novel "Hippie" is based on his personal memories of the seventies. his heroes travel from Amsterdam to Nepal, discovering all aspects of life.
Creativity Coelho - a subject of constant debate of literature lovers. Many consider it a graphomaniac, writing exclusively for the sake of earnings, but millions of fans continue to buy each new his novel and enjoy the simple truth that he says. The "hippies" the author goes further and further from fiction in the direction of a simple nostalgia for youth.
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"Jacaranda Children" Sugar Delidzhani
Frank and very personal book tells the story of several families who suffered from repression in Iran after the Islamic Revolution. This is a true story about the ties of kinship, love, and overcoming difficulties, inscribed in the enchanting atmosphere of the East.
The book "Children of the Jacaranda" is almost autobiographical. Parents Sugar Delidzhani opposed the government and were imprisoned. A future writer herself was born while they were in custody. Perhaps that is why novel was so vivid and emotional. Snake book published in 75 countries in 28 languages, and it can be considered a true sensation, comparable only to the legendary comics Marjane Satrapi, "Persepolis".
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"Strange Weather" Joe Hill
The new collection by the eldest son Stephen King It consists of four stories, in which he tries to cover several relevant topics. Here the history of the camera steals the soul in the image of "Sun Dog" King Sr. and controversial work on the turnover of weapons, and communication with an alien intelligence.
Joe Hill had long since established itself as a unique and interesting author. But in the new book, he seemed trying to get back to the very beginning of his work. In general, it turns out very interesting. That's only in the last story for some reason he is drawn to politics, are mixed everything: Russian stripper, the US president, a nuclear attack on the Caucasus and other stereotypical themes. this part is not very interesting for Russian readers.
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"In the snowdrift," Bram Stoker
Stoker famous throughout the world for his novel "Dracula"In which he mixed folklore, horror, spirituality and more. However, the author wrote is still a lot of other works, from novels and short stories to articles on theater and literature. In the first part of the book "The snowdrift" included grotesque and funny short stories told by members of the troupe, stuck in a blizzard during the tour.
The second part of the book will be the most interesting for the Russian fans of the classics. Here are collected the stories that were published in various British and American periodicals and on the Russian language had not officially translated. So that fans have the opportunity to find something new in the works of Stoker even 100 years after the author's death.
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"Going to die if you do not do it," Peter James
A well-known businessman Kipp Barun trying to somehow disperse the gloomy thoughts associated with constant setbacks, and goes with his son to football. But the stadium boy disappears, and then comes the PPRC frightening message from the kidnappers. Businessman still violates the requirement of terrorists and calls the police. And then the cause is taken the famous detective Roy Grace.
A series of novels about the Grays - the main thing Peter James for over a decade. "Going to die if you do not do" - the fourteenth book of this character and his popularity among readers is increasing. Adventure detective, do not look like a superhero and James Bond, attracted by its lively and easily, and it even makes you forget about pretty simple detective component. For all fans of James' new book will be a real gift.
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"Thicket" Naomi Novik
The small village is located in Polna near the thicket - live the magic of the forest, which regularly kidnaps people. Two friends Agnieszka and Kasia are childhood friends, but they will have to leave soon. After every 10 years in the village comes a powerful wizard, which protects the inhabitants from the thicket, but takes itself the most beautiful girl. And we believe that this time it will require is Kasia. But he makes an unexpected choice for all that will change the life of the village.
Author Naomi Novik has already established itself as an excellent writer, and get a lot of prestigious awards. The novel "The Thicket" became a bestseller in the New York Times rankings and named the best book of the year by Publishers Weekly. But there is this work and disadvantages. Most often, an adult and a grim tale criticized for uneven narrative: the action from the very beginning is developing rapidly, but then the pace more and more falls.
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"Wake up to Never," Marisha Pessl
A graduate of a prestigious private school after the death of her lover is trying to understand the reason of his death. Already a year has passed, and everyone is talking exclusively about suicide, but the heroine refuses to believe it. Wanting to get to the truth, it goes on the day of the birth of former girlfriend, which brings together her classmates. But communication is interrupted old pals the mysterious old man who reported that they were all stuck in time, a break for a moment before death. And now they will have to choose the right one who will be able to return to life.
Marisha Pessl all know thanks to the book "Night Movie". Then the fans already began to read, and publishers to translate and her debut novel, "Some questions of the theory of catastrophes". And now, in the light of the new creation came one of the most popular contemporary authors. Pessl just continues to play with the reader, confusing it with all sorts of references and genre mixing. So to all those who loved "Night Game" is sure to please both new book. Although picky bibliophiles may notice that the quality of writing, the author remained the same and still resembles a pen test, and not a work of internationally acclaimed writer.
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"Miniatures", Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Collection of miniature works of Solzhenitsyn's first published in book form, but also supplemented by a lost "Miniatures". This book - the possibility of a somewhat different look at the work of the author of such a complex. In short works, which has been called poetry in prose, he watches people and animals, reflects the beauty and creativity.
A special advantage of the new edition - the photos that Solzhenitsyn himself did during his travels, and facsimile signatures to them.
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"Omon Ra", Viktor Pelevin, Askold Akishin Kirill Kutuzov
The famous novel Victor Pelevin It came out in 1992. This is the story of Soviet teenagers, who were to give their lives for their homeland, the Land of the Soviets to help conquer space and land on the moon. But the country has been cruel to his sons, and their feat was to remain anonymous.
In 2018 the legendary book transformed into a more contemporary work, adapting it to the graphic novel. In the new version, perhaps a little lost a recognizable style of the author, but it is possible to not only present, but also to see the hero growing up and his encounter with a frightening reality. Separate plus the fact that the drawings are made just in the Soviet manner and creates the feeling that they really came from the distant past.
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"ESports", Roland Lee
This book tells about the structure of sport, which many have not heard so far in our country. In this broadcast tournaments collected almost more viewers than soccer championships and prize funds already in the tens of millions of dollars.
Roland Lee book - a great way for those interested in understanding the world of new gaming technology. And for those who are not familiar with e-sports, it will give the opportunity to make sure this is not just a children's game, but it is a serious task. Even before the release of the book was a scandal related to the fact that the Russian edition wanted to put on the cover of the meme, "Peck-face." However, after numerous disturbances publishing concessions to the reader and the book comes with the original cover.
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"Terry Pratchett. fantasy spirit, "Craig Keybell
The life story of one of the greatest storytellers of our time - Terry Pratchett. His many novels have been translated into 37 languages, and their total circulation of more than 100 million copies. This book will help you learn more about his life and the beginning of creation, when no one has suggested that "Flat World" will gain fans across the earth, and tell about the future popularity and the tragic fate writer. But for the biggest fans of Pratchett it has a special application of the cats.
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"Bold", Rose McGowan
Once a popular actress and now a person involved in many scandals, in particular, the sensational revelations of the influential producer Harvey WeinsteinRose McGowan has released an autobiographical book, "Brave." She tells in detail about his fate since childhood in colonies of religious fanatics. All of the most rigid and even frightening details of the biography of the controversial women served by her unvarnished, with all their ambiguity.
The book is in many ways more like not a biography, but to manifest strong women. But the life of the actress points out that she, more than anyone else, has the right to these statements.
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