The "Bookshelf": they read in
Books / / December 19, 2019
They read in successful IT-companies? As books help talented developers and managers? How do companies organize their libraries? This joint project and publishing "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" - "Bookshelf".
Today we look at the library of Apple Authorized Dealer - iLand.
Library, and the company iLand generally started with the book "How to survive among the sharks"Harvey Mackay. The book is the 1991 edition, with a foreword by Igor Lipsits if someone remember this. However, it, in addition to dozens of useful ideas are very clear signs of CRM-systems, with practical examples of usage. CRM course analog, warm tube;) As it actually we started writing in FileMaker - our first CRM database.
Another book, which we have started, "personal qualities" of the publishing house Time Management International. We still do it for the first training session for staff on reception of calls.
Now we read often and a lot. Although it is not doing the reading, as you know, it does not guarantee anything and any benefits did not give.
We came to the conclusion that the most sensible of the book is impossible to read. They need to work. Therefore, we buy from some copies and distribute to employees for processing. A recent example - bought 3 copies of "contact points"Igor Mann"These important stuff"Tom Peters.
homepage Usability Jakob Nielsen bought, but it is not much help;) So, for the authority lies.
Another indirect measure of the popularity of books - an indicator of their "raspolzaemosti". This is the number of losses of the book, when he had to re-buy again. We have an open office, he is delivering Officer took read and forgotten, or the client while waiting for repairs engrossed and took with him;) For example 'Customers for Life"Carl Sewell sprawling 7 times"I am a brand"Marc Ecko's sprawling 4 times.
book "7 notes of management"Buy every reissue. Last, the seventh, broke into blocks, sealed letter clips, and distributed to employees. Especially popular block turned "Finance". In general, the book about regular management soothe give a ghostly hope that it happens;)
The Macintosh Way Guy Kawasaki bought on Amazon beushnye. Talisman, a mandatory program for authorized dealer;)
Since try to pay attention to detail, their, little things going very, very much. So without GTD anywhere. Therefore, on the shelf Ready For Anything and Making It All Work David Allen.
A couple of memorable pieces. Book steve Jobs signed by Walter Isaacson presented the Director of the Ukrainian office of the company Yandex Sergei Petrenko, just a couple of weeks after the release of the book. Classic "Ogilvy on Advertising"- a gift to the Ukrainian office of SPN Ogilvy.
Many books on the Mac OS, a mandatory set of Harvard Business Review - magazines, books, paper MacWorld, although it is already in the correct buy electronically via the Zinio. At the time, we bought almost all the books of the Stockholm School of Economics. Those who are familiar with this series, it is easy to find her roots. A scattering of books Guo, different levels of complexity. For those who will get "The Art of Being a" Vladimir Levi "Communicate with the child. How?" YU. B. Gippenreiter. But to get these books are rare. ;)