REVIEW: "Art to explain" - a book for everyone who tells stories
Books / / December 19, 2019
It is often difficult to explain to relatives or friends, what do you do at work. Even more difficult - to explain to the child in simple words is something of a difficult adult world. We have dozens of times per week faced with the need to explain to your colleagues, clients, partners, relatives or even strangers is something that is very important and could potentially be important for us to them. How can master this difficult art of explanation?
Lee LeFever
Lee LeFever - founder and Common Craft Company chief specialist, became known worldwide thanks to its cultivation rollers. Since 2007, he and his wife have created a lot of different spots for such major corporations as Intel, Ford Motors, Microsoft, Google, LEGO. Few can say that using short video clips collected more than 50 million views, the majority of which were made in the home studio
First impressions of the book
Russian translation appeared thanks to the remarkable edition of "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" (remarkable - because without the efforts of this team of publishers, translators and designers is unlikely that many readers' Layfhakera "learned over the years with great ideas and helpful advice for all who want to" pump "the life and work of the mind and body of knowledge and practical skills). On the table in front of me - a paperback book tangerine colors with fun patterns within and comfortable "pockets" on the sides of the cover, to hide there already read sheets (instead of tabs).
It is written simply and everything is available, examples of places require a more thoughtful vchityvaniya in the text - but I personally love this format. I do not know whether I understood perfectly after I finish reading the book to the end (due to busy working rhythm I moved only by the second half of the book, but have learned a lot for myself, a couple of pages - and definitely will explanation hacker :) ).
What is this book
"Art to explain" - on how to find the main "chip" of the product and to convey to those who need it to assess: to your customers, clients, customers, investors, employees, or just friends, whose opinion is important to you. The problem is that we do not know how to explain and communicate what is formulated in our minds, to those who want to understand us - but can not "sneak" in our head.
Art capacious, affordable and attractive explanation is useful not only for business, startups and marketers. Parents, teachers, older siblings - those who have to explain a lot more often than by any manager or director. They, too, should read this book.
LeFevera book teaches:
- to plan: to identify all vulnerabilities and prepare in advance the correct explanation;
- pack: to develop a simple strategy to elicit sympathy, understanding and openness among its audience;
- present: to apply a simple visual aids to illustrate complex concepts.
Few useful thoughts from the author
1. The explanation seems simple matterBut in reality, few people know how to properly explain and not to be confused with the explanation of the instructions, illustrations or description.
2. Explanation - it is a way of packaging ideas. Explaining, we are examples that describe detiliziruem and communicates key messages. It also plays an important role and ability to communicate the value of salesmanship on who targeted our explanation.
3. "Curse of knowledge" - is one of the first challenges. They faced all those who are forced to explain something new that is well-known speakers, but it is unknown to everyone else.
4. "If you can not explain it in simple words, you do not really understand myself." (A. Einstein). Smart enough to know the terms and wording. If they ask you, you should be prepared to explain in simple terms.
5. The context and the ability to adapt their performance under expectations and knowledge of the target audience is very important. Your confidence in the knowledge of the topic to be transmitted and the other in the hall.
There's still a lot of good, but if all this is to formulate even briefly - not enough for a 5 blog post.
To recommend Reading
Teachers, educators, teachers, parents, grandparents, older brothers, sisters - to communicate with their and other people's children.
Marketers and sales managers - to work "in the field".
Management of companies and start-ups - to work with the team.
Team lead and developers - to find common ground with "netehnaryami".
Journalists and bloggers - to work with the audience their publications and content projects
Read, develop and explain skillfully. :)
"Explain art. How to make sure that you understand perfectly, "Lee LeFever
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