The book of the week: "Everything out of nothing: how did the Universe" - physics answers to philosophical questions
Books / / December 19, 2019
Where did we come from? Why is our planet is this? Who came up with all this? As a child, the child produces an endless stream of questions about everything he sees around. But if you do not get at school or from their parents a satisfactory explanation of how life is born there something beyond Earth, the book American Ph.D. in physics, Lawrence Krauss will help him find.
The study of physics and cosmology - the deal of a life Krauss. But the doctor of sciences is not enough just to accumulate knowledge - he actively divides them. He is considered one of the main defenders of science. Through its informative books author has many years building a reliable bridge between the academic community and the public.
For example, Lawrence was one of the most active participants in the debate on the teaching of evolution in American schools, and even asked in an open letter to the Catholic Church to reconsider an opinion about it. Its active position Krauss earned minded love and the cautious attitude of creationists.
In 2009, he gave a lecture that Universe It was born out of nothing. Recording, lined on YouTube, won more than two million views. The audience left under it 22,000 comments, among which there were questions and doubts about the theory of Krauss. For example, "What do you mean" nothing "?" And "How out of it could anything come from?". And in answer to their doctor he published a book, which is based on his theory.
The first edition was met with considerable skepticism. But then it was made one of the most important discoveries of recent years - proof of the existence of the Higgs boson. After that Krauss had already ceased to seem a dreamer, and a new edition of his book was perceived differently in 2019.
The author argues that there is no philosophical or rhetorical questions about the creation of the universe and the origin of life. Everything can be explained, if not to be lazy and do scienceRather than dismiss mysteriously and respond in the spirit of "In everything there is a higher reason."
The book's uncompromising stance on this matter, and with alternative views Krauss cracked down hard, and with the inimitable black humor. But sensitivity is also not alien to the author, and he sees, even in a purely scientific explanation beauty and poetry:
Lawrence KraussEvery atom of your body is descended from an exploding star. And perhaps, the atoms of your left hand belonged to another star, not the one from which the atoms right. This is the most poetic thing I know about physics: we are all made of star dust.
Krauss book is unique, it is not divorced from life and readers. The author in her answer questions and respond to comments, maintaining an active dialogue with the public. He is not afraid of opponents and pleased to join with them in discussion. Read "Everything out of nothing: how did the Universe" - is like talk privately with one of the most outstanding scientists of our time and feel like a child, knowing how much more interesting things around and unknown.
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