Philosophy Lazy Flame: how to achieve the desired effortlessly
Motivation Books / / December 19, 2019
Surely you've heard the expression, "He does not live, and tirelessly fussing." Frenzied rhythm of life causes us to run headlong. We had long since lost the feeling of serenity and do not even remember how it - just do not do anything. Or do they have to, but without panic fear of being late, to do less than it should be, do not show all their abilities, but only as much as we want to do.
And continue to be carried in the bright future that did not get to catch up? If you are tired of it, then it's time to get acquainted with Lazy Guru - a superhero who lives within you. He will teach you how to deal with things without haste and irritation, relax at any time and to achieve steady state flow.
Who is lazy Guru
This serene creature, living on the green shores of a quiet creek right in the depths of your soul. Yes, within each of us there is a forest or an island of tranquility (each his own) with the quiet, gentle wind, barely swaying treetops, babbling river and chirping birds. It is a country Lazy Gurus. Your own country.
If you find it, it will pull you out of the mad rush and desire to do everything and more.
Philosophy Lazy Guru
You can look at different stress and pressure, which piled on us daily. Lazy Guru philosophy offers one of the most pleasant option - not doing, or U-Wei (because this state is called the ancient Chinese sages), in combination with a state of flux. What is this for? To do less and get more done. And feel happy.
Think of yourself as a child. We are born carefree, relaxed and creative, but as they grow older it takes from us. We become the most ordinary adults who are constantly in a hurry. To go back to basics and to achieve the flow state, you need to do three things:
- stay;
- tune;
- release.
This is the philosophy and the way the Lazy Guru simultaneously.
How to become a Lazy Guru
Here is a recipe from Laurence Shorter, author of "The Book of Lazy Guru." Try it today. Now. Make it simple.
1. Stay
It does not matter where you are now and what you are doing at that moment - just stop. Stop doing what you're doing. Just wait.
When you stop, you free space - it allows you to look at what is happening is much wider. Clearing a space, you make the first step on the way out of the stress.
2. Tune
What makes the Lazy Guru next? Adjust it to the desired wave, like radio. Each of us is the frequency at which we are all happy, feel happy, Creative and free people. When you find a wave and learn to adjust to it without interference from other radio (million cases), you will become aware.
3. forget
Even when we sometimes try to relax, still remains the feeling that part of us tense, as if waiting for something, or has decided to, or knows what will happen next. In my head spin words "must", "should" and "forgot to do." Try to forget about everything and at least a fraction of a second to stop thinking.
What for? The fact that we cling to, not only for the actions and for the people, but also for their own feelings. Anger, bitterness, envy, resentment, pride, helplessness, sadness - sometimes we feel these emotions (and by this we uncomfortable), but did not want to forget about them.
The ability to forget about their responsibilities and actions (those that are burdened and pressured us) - one of the most important skills Lazy Gurus.
Now that you know about the three steps that will help you to become lazy Guru. If you get to practice them regularly, you will gain absolutely everything you need to make to become a Lazy Gurus. And maybe teach others.