11 useful books that help to better understand child
Books / / December 19, 2019
1. Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, "How to talk to the children listened, and how to listen to children talking"
This book helps parents understand how to talk to children in language they can understand how to communicate so as to listen to and hear each other.
On the example of the different life situations, special assignments, and even comics authors available to explain how to teach children to cope with their emotions and safely express, how to make the child independent and responsible, as his praise and blame, not to take offense and is not arrogant, as well as many other useful things.
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2. Julia Gippenreiter, "communicate with the child. How?"
This book will be lessons, exercises and even homework, so only do them have no children, and adults. With the help of a book, you can learn the basics of practical education. For example, learn how to correctly formulate questions and requests, to practice active listening, and even become a real expert on the effective resolution of conflicts.
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3. Darlene Svitlend, "Teach your child to think. How to grow smart, confident and independent person "
Darlene Svitlend, Doctor of Psychology and a clinical psychologist with years of experience, shares his experience how to build a process of education modern children. The author tells about the way of thinking, behavior and desires of the young generation, will advise how to instill in the child the desire to bring the case to the end, and learn to avoid the most common pitfalls of education.
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4. Niine Yunttila, "Zero friends"
Book helper for parents who want to find a way to lonely children, who do not want making friends or for some reason can not do it. Psychologist Niine Yunttila talks about the most common models of loneliness and gives advice on how to help your child cope with it.
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5. Nigel Latta, "Before your child will drive you crazy"
A fun book for parents, balancing on the brink of despair by the fact that their child has started the difficult period of puberty. It is available with humor and explains how to establish contact with the child growing up, and provides tips, thanks to which will live peacefully with little bespredelschik under one roof.
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6. Catherine Murashova, "Your child is not clear"
Family psychologist Catherine Murashova give universal recommendations for the most common problems of education. How to understand what's going on in the child's mind as to teach him to cope with the fears and nightmares, reluctance to learn how to overcome, how to prevent that child kept to himself - these and other important behavioral characteristics in detail the book.
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7. Mary Sheedy Kurchinka, "The child with the character. As his love, nurture and not go crazy "
The book will be especially interesting and useful for parents who have got children with difficult temperament. Unable to cope with it on their own, they begin to behave unpredictably: brag, sneak, fight, set or lie recklessly. For information on how to stop this behavior and learn to understand that in such situations happening in the child's mind, just referred to in the book.
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8. Daniele Novara, "Do not yell at the kids! How to resolve conflicts with their children and to do so they have listened "
Step by step instructions on competent and effective conflict resolution with children. The author tells why it is better to solve the problem, without shouting and without engaging in physical abuse, as well as give practical advice on how to keep yourself in the hands of anyone not wag your nerves and fight with minimal losses.
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9. John Gottman, "Emotional intelligence of the child. A Practical Guide for Parents "
This book, a guide for the development of emotional intelligence child. It gives an opportunity to understand his inner world and find out the meaning of the emotions that he experiences. The book tells parents how to instil empathy, teaches to discuss and regulate emotions arise, and give instructions on how to help your child cope with the negative.
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10. Amber and Andy Ankovski, "What's in his head? Simple experiments that help parents understand their child '
The book contains 33 psychological experiment, which will help to understand how a child thinks. Acquainted with them, it becomes clear as to instill in the child a sense of responsibility, how to reduce anxiety and even how to teach him to eat less sweet.
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11. Lyudmila Petranovskaya, "If it is difficult with a child"
Collection of essential tips on raising children with behavior characteristics. It contains recommendations on how to talk with children in the same language as build relationships, how to interpret the behavior and how to avoid unnecessary scandals and other conflict situations.
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