"One habit in a week" - a book about how to change themselves and their lives for the year
Books / / December 19, 2019
Week 8. meditate
Every moment of life is filled with joy and happiness. If you pay attention, you'll see it.
Thich Nhat Hanh
At the word "meditation" we introduce ourselves as Buddhist monks in Tibet, hidden in the mountains of the monastery praying, chanting recitative sacred exclamation "om." But in fact, the practice of meditation can be accessed and used almost anywhere. Meditation It has existed for several thousand years and brings a man of great benefit both spiritually and physically. Those who do so are often calm, pacified and feel the spiritual balance, even after a long time after the end of a session of meditation.
Thanks to the research practice of awareness and popularity of yoga meditation practice in recent decades has spread throughout the world. People involved in it, can restore order in their thoughts and bring into your life and the clarity ability to concentrate. They open up new possibilities, they are more positive look at the world, better manage stress and reach a deeper level of self-knowledge.
Meditation is also a positive effect on memory and learning. Studies show that regular meditation activates the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus (Hippocampus - part of the limbic system of the brain. Involved in the formation of emotions, knowledge transfer from short-term memory to long-term. - Approx. Trans.) And other parts of the brain responsible for memory and learning, as well as reduces the activity of the amygdala, which is manifested in the improvement of stress management. Meditation helps to calm the mind and clear thoughts, which increases our ability to concentrate. In one experiment, conducted by the University of Washington, participants who regularly engaged meditation showed a better ability to switch from task to task and focusing on long-term time. They could more precisely to remember the content of the set of tasks than those who have never meditated.
Meditation helps more aware of their surroundings, be exempt from trauma, negative thoughts and experiences. As a result, we are able to find inner peace and achieve a more positive self-awareness and a sense of happiness.
Way to success. Meditate for 20 minutes a day
There are many practices and techniques of meditation. If you're still a beginner, start with the simplest.
Take before a commitment
To feel the benefits of meditation, make a commitment to do the exercises every day. If you are not familiar with meditation, start with the lessons of five minutes daily. Gradually bringing them up to 20 minutes. Do not worry if it takes a few weeks, maybe even months.
Choose the right place for meditation
Select a place that contributes to the calm and clear state of mind. This can be an open space like a park, a quiet room or a corner of the house. You can even engage in on the beach. Location is not so important. The main thing - to you nothing prevented to be in a sitting position, preferably 20 minutes. Try to keep the noise as low as possible. Some listen to music for meditation. But it must be very quiet, rhythmic music without a lot of words or loud noises that can distract you.
Select the correct time for meditation
Choose your schedule a time when you are less likely to be able to draw from the lessons or worry. For many it is early morning or late evening. Desirably pinpoint session duration by the hour or by other devices.
Take the right posture
When meditation is very important that the body be comfortable. Clothing and pose itself must create the most favorable conditions. Avoid tight clothes and shackled, in which you are hot or, conversely, cold. In traditional Meditation is commonly used so-called Indian posture: hands resting on his knees, straightened the body, the neck is straight. Use light is not recommended. This posture eliminates drowsiness. Some sit on cushions on the floor or in a chair with a straight back. During meditation, a person's eyes are usually closed. You can keep them open, but it may prevent distractions.
Set a goal for each lesson
Each meditation session start by reminding yourself of why you want to do it. For example: you want to relax and relieve stressGet rid of the irritation or anger, clear the mind, or more consciously perceive the surrounding reality.
Achieve concentration
An important condition for successful meditation - limit concentration. Need to avoid thinking about your life and problems. Here are some tips.
1. Focus on your breathing. This is one of the most common methods of meditation. For beginners it is more convenient because the breath - the natural function of the body. The inhalation should begin deep in the abdomen, diaphragm and rise to slightly lift your breasts. The abdomen should rise with each breath and fall with each breath. Focus on your feelings, listen to their breaths. Watch as the air passes through your nose, throat and lungs. When you exhale, be aware, it leaves these organs. Below are two ways concentration on breathing.
- The score to five. When you inhale, slowly count to five. Then hold your breath for a second, and also at the expense of one to five exhale. Repeat the exercise until the end of classes.
- Score for each inhalation and exhalation. Count each inhalation and exhalation. The first breath count to one. During exhalation count to two. In the second breath, count to three, and when exhaling - to four. Reaching up to ten, start all over again. Repeat the exercise until the end of classes.
2. Mantras. Calm and quiet recitative recite mantras: a special word or set of words, the repetition of which gives a feeling of tranquility and enlightenment. Breathing should remain at this deep and rhythmic. Recite the mantra throughout the meditation session.
3. Guided meditation. When preparing for a competition, many athletes practice guided meditation. However, they focus on the conscious purpose. For example, marathon could present themselves in detail while passing distance.
4. Focuses look at some object. If you meditate with your eyes open, it is better to concentrate on the view object or symbol that are meaningful to you. For example, on the Buddha statue, flower, garden, ocean or crosses. If it is important for you to object is not close to you, you can close your eyes and try to visualize it in your mind. Keep the focus on the object and breathe deeply.
5. Mentally scan different parts of his body. Spend a mental scan of your body, concentrating on individual organs. Carefully follow your feelings: pain, relaxation, tensions, increase or decrease in temperature and a sense of numbness. You can learn to stretch and then relax completely different parts of the body. Start with your fingers. Gradually move on to the hands, arms, shoulders and so on. D. At the same time, continue to breathe deeply.
dispersal thoughtsSometimes during meditation, you may feel that you come to other thoughts. Do not be alarmed. Note to myself these thoughts, and then try to focus on your breathing, mantras, or something else, on what you tend to concentrate in meditation. Do not criticize or condemn yourself for the accidental dispersal of thoughts. During the session time to think of himself with love and openness.
Properly plan the duration of sessions
At the beginning of the meditation sessions set a goal to continue for five minutes. Repeat so for seven days, then increase the time to 10 minutes of meditation. If you will achieve a 10-minute duration of classes from 8 th to 14 th day, increase the time to 15 minutes. If you manage to stick to this duration in the third week, go to 20 minutes.
Learn meditation practice
That technique, which is described, is very simple and is used at the initial stage of training. There are a lot of other useful and effective practice of meditation, which are chosen depending on the individual qualities of the meditator. Nowadays popular Transcendental Meditation, conscious meditation, kundalini practice Qigong and Tai Chi. Read on the Internet about different ways of meditation and find nearby venues where you could do.
Increase the frequency of sessions of up to two sessions a day
When you get used to meditation for 20 minutes every day, consider increasing the frequency of sessions to two a day. Many experts say that such a duration and frequency of meditation optimal. But remember that the main thing - quality. Try to have at the end of each 20-minute session, you will reach awareness.
Meditate on vacation
Now there are many meditation and relaxation centers that organize weekly or two-day (weekend) program for those who want to improve and deepen their meditation practice. Try at least once a year to use these programs to improve their skills.