1. "Psychological traps money," Gary Belsky, Thomas Gilovich
Good money - it's half the battle. The second - with a mind to dispose of their own money. We all make the same mistakes that lead to unwise spending. From this book you will learn how to emotions, behavior and social environment affect financial decisions. Knowledge of behavioral economics can help you to control themselves and their spending.
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2. "Financial diary. How to bring money in order ", Alexey Gerasimov
From theory to practice now. This diary that helps you keep track of your financial behavior: accumulation plan, keep track of expenses and income, analyze them. Calculated daily for three months. During this time, you get used to record all information relating to your personal finances.
You can then draw the same graphs in a conventional notebook or keep records in a text file - as you prefer. The bottom line is that by writing the numbers every day, you can see better your financial goals and gradually move towards them.
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3. "Where does the money go? How to properly manage the family budget, "Yulia Sakharov
A book for those who every month wondering where all the money is gone again. Julia Sakharov, financial consultant and investor tells how to understand the current state of their finances, optimize costs, make a family budget and financial plan for the future. All this - with life examples and analysis of errors. You'll learn where to store money, where to invest, how to deal with credit and how to retire wealthy person.
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4. "Trick or life," Vicki Robin
The eternal dilemma: to work, to live, or live to work? The answer seems obvious, yet many spend their lives in the eternal pursuit of money, forgetting the other pleasures. Vicki Robin Book will reconsider their attitude towards material values and gain financial independence.
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5. "Private Condition: To multiply, protect, manage," Stuart Lucas
You've heard about people who have won a round sum in a lottery, squandered money, and then return to the former way of life. This is a prime example of the lack of long-term strategy and the ability to correctly dispose of the funds available. Many of us are familiar with this problem.
The author, Stuart Lucas is not only a financial advisor, but he manages the family company Carnation. All his advice tested in practice. He tells readers how to increase capital to protect their wealth, invest lossless choose a consultant and avoid many mistakes in planning.
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6. "The secret language of money. How to make intelligent financial decisions, "David Kruger
The more money, the more there is financial problems. We spend more than we can afford, we swear and frustrated because of the money, committing senseless purchase. David Kruger explains how to develop a healthy attitude toward money and competently dispose of them. This fascinating book for those who want to improve their financial condition, but does not understand how to do it.
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7. "Do not lose! What silent "Dad" Kiyosaki? "Isaac Becker
The book is about how to increase their wealth. This collection of useful advice of professional financial adviser for readers who are planning to make a pretty big investment. Examined in detail the pros and cons of various instruments for the conservation and investing money: Deposits, bonds, shares, insurance and funds.
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8. "Ascent of money", Niall Ferguson
"Rise of the money" differs from other books from this collection - in it you will find practical advice. This book is about what money is, which way they went from antiquity to the present day. The financial history of the world shows clearly where there is a common misconception about the economic processes and events which lead to economic crises. You are waiting for a fascinating presentation, and a lot of interesting facts.
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