5 exercises to achieve the dream
Books Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Everyone has a dream, and, if you now do not go to her confident step, you have a problem. At some point you may find that you do not know what you want. This will help to avoid five lessons from the book "It's time!" Barbara Sher.
1. Get imaginary friends
If you are still only lie in the direction of your dreams, you will not interfere with the Allies. Those who will never criticize you or to press on the conscience, but be sure to tell me something sensible in a difficult situation.
You do not know where to get allies right now? Think of them! As American Indians, calling the spirits.
Who do you want to see on my side? Aristotle, Beyonce, Harry Potter? Let it be the heroes of the books and films, real and fictional characters, childhood friends or your dog.
Think of who and where it will sit in your home or office. Every time you doubt your abilities, imagine that each of them would have told you. Learn to accept advice and help, encouragement, write replica of your allies. All this will help to find the real allies in the future.
2. Understand your feelings
One of the problems of the modern world that we hide their feelings. Not only from others, but from ourselves. We consider it inadmissible to be angry at your child, or best friend envy. But to reach the goal is difficult, yet can not tell yourself. Therefore, learn to listen to the inner voice, and that's enough to fence themselves off from the people with the words "all right."
There is a fear, happiness, anger, and a million of their derivatives. And all the people experiencing these feelings.
You can be a good person and feel envy and anger. This is normal. But the ban afford it - is the opposite.
Make a list of emotions that you experienced in your life. Now, every day put a tick next to the one emotion that experience. After some time, analyze your "feelings diary," he will say a lot about you. Not too often do you worry about? It did not happen playful mood? Then you need to understand where it came from, and get rid of negativity.
3. Make a T-shirt for the loser
Instead of to complainThat something does not work, allow yourself to stay defiant and rude. Invent yourself a series of t-shirts for the losers. What phrases-rychalki they would have appeared? For example, such:
- Please do not hug!
- I want to be a favorite!
- Why do they kosyachat and extreme always me?
- In fact, I am tall!
- That I will have to earn it ?!
- I need an apartment!
- Do not feed me!
- Yes, I feel good! What infuriates?
Unleash your imagination, bring back his soul is always nice.
4. Stop dismantle trash
The house a mess, and you feel guilty because of that? Come on, you will never gain the victory over the chaos. Disorder in the house is formed by chance - because our subconscious operates when trying to hint something. This is your way to solve any problem. Trash It creates the feeling that you complete important things, but they are not reached.
Imagine you hover perfect purity, if you can live on the directory page, a furniture store? Not.
Leave the trash can not be: a mess violates the peace of mind and dreams need more space.
Learn to distinguish the really important elements of his life from farfetched. You do not need a general cleaning, start with your table. Remove from it all the important documents in a safe place, sort out old magazines, throw away trash, carry away the mug to the kitchen.
Give yourself a word to throw out 10 things every month or clean up to 10 minutes a day. Soon you will feel that your house has become brighter and more spacious, and the free time - more. And stop feeling guilty that we are born into the world not to rake the trash.
5. Write a Press Release
Write three imaginary press release and devote them for himself. The first to be absolutely fantastic. For example, how you bought a yacht for 200 thousand euros and went to a private island in the Mediterranean Sea.
The second release dedicate your life in three months. If today is July 7, the date the press release on 7 October. An event about which you write, should be more believable. For example, describe how you went on vacation, swim in the sea and advise to visit any restaurant in the friendly neighborhood.
A third press release should be about you in two years. Write about the most wonderful event that you can imagine. Let's say you bought a house in Spain and ready to move.
It seems that it has no relation to the actual execution of the dream? Wrong. This is your rehearsal.
Indulge in dreams. Now you have at least five exercises, leading to a goal.