10 books that will help develop critical thinking
Books / / December 19, 2019
1. "Guide to lie. Critical thinking in an era postpravdy "Daniel Levitin
Daniel Levitin, an American psychologist, scientist and writer, knows how easy to deceive the average person. Lies artfully concealed facts and served as the ultimate truth. Misinformation these days has become a powerful tool for shaping political and social strategy.
The author tells how to recognize and manipulate information sensibly evaluate it in order to prevent delay itself in a web of lies.
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2. "Defense Against the Dark Arts," Alexander Panchin
Alexander Panchin, Russian biologist and popularizer of science, science journalist and author, in his new book shows that over the centuries-old prejudices and fears are very real laws of physics, psychology and biology. Author lucidly and convincingly debunks what they believed and continue to believe today, millions of people around the world.
Book from the category "about smart simple words" will help you keep sound thinking in a century craze supernatural.
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3. "I manipulate you. Methods of countering the hidden influence of "Nikita Nepryakhin
Writer, business coach, author and radio host Nepryakhin Nikita believes that we too believe in his own invincibility. We think that smart so that we are almost impossible to cheat. And again and again we step on the same rake, becoming victims of skilled manipulators. The author describes in detail the scenario, the most common tricks, which are actively used by both the media and politicians.
The book will become a reference for someone who is tired of being the victim of someone else's influence. Readers will also learn how to fight back the most sophisticated manipulation.
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4. "A world full of demons. Science - like a candle in the darkness, "Carl Sagan
American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan, for many years engaged in the popularization of science. His latest book is presented in our list, it is dedicated to the human mind and pseudoscientific folly, or rather the fight against it.
Green men, the Yeti, the Loch Ness monster, reincarnation, the transmigration of souls - the list of what people stubbornly believe, is endless. Sagan debunks popular myths and prejudices that hinder our development.
The book will be a textbook of common sense, which should have at hand every sensible person.
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5. "Game theory. The art of strategic thinking in business and life, "Avinash Dixit, Barry Neylbaff
Human interaction is very similar to the game. In certain of the authors, a professor at Princeton University and Professor Avinash Dixit Yale School of Management Barry Neylbaff. Rigorous strategic thinking, they called the art to anticipate the next move the person with whom currently is conducted game. This takes into account that the opponent is also busy studying your opponent.
Comprehension of the theory of games will help you to create a new perspective on life and become successful.
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6. «How to Lie with Statistics"Darrell Huff
We unequivocally believe statistics. Figures plunged us into hypnosis, and we bear their money and we return your vote to someone who will provide more conclusive data. But what really sells us Statistics? Darrell Huff, American author and lecturer, in his only book immediately became a worldwide bestseller, he tells about how abuse of statistics to manipulate society.
The work is written in a living language and is intended for non-specialists, and distant from the people statistics.
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7. "People and Animals: Myths and Reality", Olga Arnold
Olga Arnold, writer, psychotherapist and biologist, easily and with humor debunks popular myths and legends about animals today passed from mouth to mouth. The author gives a scientific substantiation of the importance of pets in people's lives, and demonstrates some imprint on nature reserves it is the least human intervention. The book will help readers understand what is true and what is false, which sources can be trusted and which are not.
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8. "How the universe works. Introduction to modern cosmology, "Sergei Parnovskii
To stop believing charlatans, it is necessary to study the original sources, including the work of scientists. It's exciting and humorous about cosmology, which recently celebrated its 100th anniversary, says Sergey Parnovskii, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Kiev Polytechnic University. How was the universe, what dark matter and black hole, how the theory of relativity - the book will be the bridge between the popular and true science.
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9. "From atoms to the tree. Introduction to the modern science of life ", Sergey Hawks
Sergey Hawks, biologist, science journalist, writer, lucidly explains that excites the masses and how they are being manipulated.
What is the genetic code, how the virus if the sugar is dangerous indeed, why coffee excites and calms glycine whether glutamate is harmful sodium and useful whether fructose - in the book there are answers to the most frequently asked questions with which all of us for many years, introduced into misleading.
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10. «I do not believe! How to see the truth in a sea of misinformation"John Grant
Scientific discoveries are often used to deceive people. This convinced John Grant, an American writer and editor. Sort out a lot of information to help critical thinking. Author as an example the most famous scandals shows how easy it is to manipulate us and how quickly we give in to provocations. You will get acquainted with the most common patterns of lies and learn how to resist the information attacks.
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