Some parents do not give their children a second of rest - interfere with the child's life, all trying to take control. Such an approach does not lead to anything good. Layfhaker understands that such overprotection and why is it harmful to both children and parents.
What is the overprotection?
Overprotective - this excessive protection of children, which manifests itself in an effort to encircle the parent of the child increased attention, to protect it even in the absence of danger, constantly hold about yourself, do make certain the safest for parents way.That is, take care of their children - is that bad?
No no. The care and attention to the children there is nothing wrong. However, there is always a thin line that separates the caring and overprotective. It was the second to be feared.One of the key life skills that children should develop, - the ability to live without us.
What causes overprotective?
If relatives seek to protect the child or young person from taking own decisions, This leads to big problems.Damage to the child's psyche
If the parents tend to take care of all the daily activities - awake, carry, reminiscent of the terms and obligations, pay bills, ask questions, make decisions, take on responsibility, communicate with strangers and interact with the authorities - the child may experience fairly strong shock when the university or at work leash disappear. He was waiting for failure, and it will take them as a defeat.
Lack of skills
Perfectly healthy in appearance, but takes too much care a child receives in high school and can not cope with new situations: to establish relationship with a roommate and a teacher, who asks to alter work, to choose between a summer workshop and public project. He can be really hard to deal with contradictions, uncertainty, resentment and the need to make decisions.
Problems in career
Employers need people who have all that is necessary to deal with the situation - and that means we have to act independently. If the employee needs to give young parents to discuss issues of ordinary employment, this may be a red flag that is impossible to get rid of.
And as if to bring up children properly?
You can not give another person life skills. Everyone should buy their own, with their work. If we do not prepare the children - and ourselves - to the inevitable minute when they will have to take care of themselves, we are all waiting for heavy awakening.
Parents can help, but not the fact that there will always be ready to do everything or to advise on the phone, and that will go out of the way and allow the child to understand yourself.