Qualcomm has introduced its new mobile processor Snapdragon 865, which will be installed in high-end smartphones in 2020. Right at the presentation has been named the first holder of the chip - they will become the flagship Xiaomi Mi 10.
«# MI10 will be one of the first smartphones to be powered by Snapdragon 865! »Announced by our Co-Founder & Vice Chairman of the Board, Bin Lin at #SnapdragonSummit@Qualcommpic.twitter.com/44LG6KCJUW
- Xiaomi # First108MPPentaCam (@Xiaomi) December 4, 2019
This was announced personally Lin Bin, co-founder and CEO of Xiaomi. He also mentioned the support of 5G networks and the presence of the camera with the main sensor in the MP 108, as well as at Mi Note 10.
More about Xiaomi Mi 10 will tell in the first quarter of 2020. That the presentation of the flagship is expected to take place within the MWC 2020 in Barcelona from 24 to 27 February.
also, the manufacturer reminded the imminent announcement of the smartphone Redmi K30, who also receive the support of 5G. Her provide Snapdragon processor 765, represented along with a 865-m. Release a smartphone should be even earlier Mi 10 - it is possible to count on the announcement in January.
His soon start talking and more frequent publication of photos and renderings. If we believe these leaks, the smartphone will get a screen with a diagonal of 6.67 "and a hole for a double selfie camera, as well as the backs quartet of cameras with an unusual circular design.
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