Yesterday Apple introduced iOS 11. The operating system, as always, will be available with the new iPhone in the fall. However, due to the beta program to test the features of the new iOS can now. The first beta version is intended for developers, but by a public profile it can set anyone. Here's how to do it.
It is important to understand that this is just the first beta version, which is unstable and contains many errors. Install it stands only for your reference.
First of all make a backup using iTunes or iCloud, so you can restore your data if something goes wrong.
Next, check whether your device is compatible with iOS 11. The following Soup:
- iPhone 5s or later;
- iPad Pro;
- iPad Air and newer;
- iPad mini 2 and later;
- iPod touch 6.
Open this page with iOS-device, download the configuration profile of this link and install it, accept the license agreement.
Restart your device, then go to "Settings» → «Basic» → «Update" and update your device to iOS 11.