In the client for Android appeared offline, through which you can view your photos and put huskies without an internet connection.
Instagram has more than 600 million users. Many of them live in areas where there are problems with the network connection. It is for them in the program, a new mode that allows you to view images, comment, put huskies offline.
In the new version of Instagram client for Android is now possible without an internet connection to view content, which was previously loaded in the tape, store, mark and comment on posts, unsubscribe from other users. All you do the action will be synchronized at a time when the connection appears again.
In addition, the always available offline, your profile, as well as the profiles of other people, which you have recently visited. You'll even be able to view cached content tabs "Interesting", where you can find some interesting pictures.
This feature is designed to simplify the use Instagram in developing countries, where there may be problems with access to the web. However, to us it can be useful in the short-term absence of the Internet, for example, in the subway.
Price: Free