Programming courses on Code School is free today only!
News Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Code School - one of the most respected e-learning services. Today, it offers a completely free access to their courses in HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Git, and other languages. Hurry up: the materials can be downloaded!
Code School online service appeared in 2011, and during that time had developed more than 60 different courses for teaching programming. Each course contains theoretical material, video tutorials, practical exercises that allow students step by step to learn the wisdom of the selected programming language.
Typically, access to courses Code School is only possible based on a paid subscription, the price which starts from $ 29 per month. However, this weekend access to all courses available for free. Especially valuable is the suggestion that you can download training materials and then easily use them at any time.
To access the free courses, you must first create an account, which we are confident will not cause you problems. Then, select the course you are interested in and then go to his view. Note that in the player, demonstrating videoobyasneniya, there is a button to download the video in the right quality. In addition, each course attached great set of training slides, which can also be saved for further study.
We would like to once again remind you that the action will last only until the end of the day, so do not miss the opportunity to download one of the best courses for learning programming.
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