Fear and Loathing at the cinema: how different films affect our brain
Cinema A Life / / December 19, 2019
Alex Obzhorin
PhD, author blog of visual literacy.
StudyFear & Loathing in Cinema TheatreDedicated to films from top-250 IMDb, showed that in the movies we love the most crime, drama, biographies, thrillers and adventure. What this happens in our brain, instead of comedies and happy-ends we choose the horrors and tragedies?
A movie of any genre is created in such a way as to cause the audience certain emotions. This is achieved by means of the story, shooting, music, games, actors and so on. For example, imagine the horror with Rowan Atkinson in the title role and the soundtrack of the "gentlemen of fortune." Most likely, it will not work: all the elements of the genre should accurately create the right mood.
Some directors conduct psychological research is needed to understand whether the scene calls, sound, or the entire film the desired emotions. It is dedicated to relatively new science - neyrosinematika. Her critics believe that each viewer has its own unique set of experiences, "including" in the theater. But many discoveries "kinopsihologov" hard to disagree. Researchers from the Laboratory of Neuroimaging at New York University say:
Neurocinematics: The Neuroscienceof Film"Hitchcock was able to foresee the reaction of the different parts of the brain, including on and off at the same time for all audiences; it can be a scientific proof of its known ability to hold and manipulate the viewers thoughts. "
In addition to the elements of the genre, "trigger" of emotions from moviegoers stand mirror neurons. The brain is not always clear, there are events on the screen or in reality - it handles played by actors as a real fight, and wound favorite character - as his own.
Let us examine what genres and moods prefer to audiences around the world, and what it says.
crime drama
One in five of the 250 best movie - a crime drama. This is the most popular combination of genres. It is based on our natural interest in understanding the psychology, to seek hidden motives of human behavior. This interest is accompanied by anxiety and excitement, we are watching as committed and solve crimes.
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Psychology researcher Torben movie Grodal linksHow film genres are a product of biology, evolution and culture-an embodied approach the popularity of the genre with basic human emotions: "Search is based on knowledge, and were stalking the main activities of our ancestors, hunters and gatherers, and they need other animals for survival. Later, when the city grew and became the new mysterious jungle, French and British writers have created a new genre - detective - <...> mixture of scientific methods and behavior of hunters and gatherers like the Indians - the indigenous peoples America. "
Another unique paintings for criminal emotion - "guilty pleasure". The protagonist of most crime dramas - a criminal. Despite this, we can not but sympathize with Michael Corleone and Tony Montana. This "forbidden fruit" at the same time frightens and attracts millions of fans of the genre.
Researchers from Northwestern University of Illinois have found: Guilt Increases Experience of Pleasure: Study
"Feelings of guilt associated with pleasure, because most often when there is pleasure, we feel a sense of guilt. When activated fun, it turns on, and guilt, and eventually in our brain, both these feelings are related. "
In addition to the emotions in criminal tapes we gain knowledge about people, often the hidden "dark side" of the human soul, learning to cope with life's problems, which we face in life.
There is a possibility that criminal drama and able to "spoil" the psyche: the audience, a thousand times seen the killing and violence on the screen, can get used to them and become cynical.
Drama makes us sympathy, excitement for the main character, or sadness in the case of the tragic ending. As a result of these experiences viewers have catharsis and with tears exempt from their own heavy emotions.
The main positive effect of dramas, many scientists believe the development of empathy and social intelligence - the ability to read the feelings and moods, understand the "pain" of another person and act accordingly this.
Torben Grodal, cinema psychology researcherViewing of the film - it is a group activity at its center - the elements of a social ritual as a means to achieve the unity of the group <...>. Clear the central role of ritual in the transmission of social knowledge about birth, marriage and death. Tragic stories are always valuable because they allow people to live together existential emotions. "
There is also evidenceThe Surprising Reasons We Like Sad Movies that joint viewing of sad movies "synchronizes" the brain of spectators: if you want to get to know your partner and get closer, look good drama together.
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However, in all important measure: excess can trigger the development of AMD gipertrevozhnosti (or, if literally translated English term catastrophising worries, - «exaggeration alarm to the level of the catastrophe "), focusing on the problems of favorite characters (especially the TV series, where the characters are almost native) and a distraction from their own life.
When we look at the life of a famous person is experiencing mixed feelings. According to the researchersRelations of admiration and adoration with other emotions and well-being, Admiration and curiosity can be replaced by envy. The first motivates us to develop, and the second, on the contrary, makes the focus on their imperfections and hampers development.
Coach on personal growth, Jeffrey Davis advisesCreative Admiration: From Envy to Mastery to begin work on a search for a mentor:
"Creativity and the achievement of excellence includes the study of the master's life."
For this purpose, great biographical drama, which depicts the story of success and mistakes, on which you can learn. Biopic is able to inspire, encourage spiritual development, to show specific engineering skill of the teacher of the virtual character of an outstanding personality and ways of coping with life's problems.
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Possible negative effects hobbies biographies often prone to immature psyche owners (mostly children and adolescents). We are talking about a blind imitation, copying the image of the star and, as a consequence, the loss of individuality. And if the success of the personality is too great and unreachable, instead of inspiration, he will cause jealousy and anger.
Movies-action (action, adventure, war, Westerns, sports) stimulates the release of adrenaline, so viewers feel anger and aggression, excitement and - together with the hero - a surge of courage.
Action & Adventure is very popular today because they give viewers a quick feeling of success: the hero (which occurs emotional connection) goes through the impossible obstacles bare hands wins dozens of enemies and most of the main villain in the end. Spectators win with him.
It gives the feeling of winning a surge of courage, determination and self-reliance.
Most clearly we experience these emotions immediately after the release of the movie theater, but can return to the state, remembering key scenes or listening to the soundtrack.
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Negative effects action games researchers believe violence and aggression - fights, murders and violence portrayed here too colorful, and the hero always wins. The chain of "violence → → win success" for someone is too attractive.
Another drawback for fans of fighters is the danger of their fear of failure. The subconscious mind will seek victory in all situations, because the characters never lose in a movie. But the reality is full of failures, falls, faults and weaknesses. Ignoring them, it is impossible to become really strong.
Philip George Zimbardo, a social psychologistHeroism requires a person to escape from his normal world, from the usual behavior. The heroes are not ordinary people, they are superior to the conventional.
There are no psychological factor-minus: Scientists at Cornell University have shownWatch What You Eat. Action-Related Television Content Increases Food IntakeThat fans of action games eat twice as much. Emotional hunger in the absence of adventure makes us look for quick vivid emotions in a cake or a piece of smoked chicken breast.
The second most popular "adrenaline" group of genres - thrillers and horror. By the force of the impact, scientists compare the horror of extreme sports, including anxiety and fear cause a sharp jump adrenaline, cortisol, increased heart rate and an increase in pressure. Why do we subject ourselves to such tests? The answer is again in the sense of catharsis, we have known for dramatic films.
Birgit Wolz, psychologistIdeas in the movies often turned to the emotional rather than the rational sphere, so movies can neutralize instinct of suppression of feelings and release hidden emotions. This emotional release in the cinema opens doors that would otherwise remain forever closed.
Strange, but the horror some help to overcome their fears. MechanismHorror Movies Help People Cope With Anxiety It is quite simple: the brain is faced with a dangerous situation in a safe place, such as at home on the couch. It's okay as a result does not occur, and the chain of "fear of the danger →" in the subconscious breaks. It comes the loss of sensitivity to this fear.
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Although most experts say about the dangers of thrillers and horror for our brain. The most common of danger - is the emergence ofPsychological Effects of Horror Movies new fears associated with that scared in a movie. For example, after some cult horror comes the fear of mirrors, dolls and clowns and other objects that do not have a real danger. The first problem concerns the impressionable child's psyche.
If there is something about what you want to forget forever, and avoid the "horror stories": they are able toMovies may cause special effects on the body run memories of psychological trauma experienced in the past, and can trigger depression.
Many refer to the movie only as entertainment. But in fact it is a strong tool that acts on the brain and body. This is worth considering in selecting the next film to view. And also, why do you want to just such a mood.
see also
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