Back in mid-January, the online marketplace AliExpress issued an open request to all sellers, sends an order to the territory of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In connection with the modernization of logistics AliExpress guide introduces compulsory appropriation of departure track number.
Starting from February 7, 2017 shall come into force following the sending condition:
- for Russia: the mandatory assignment of track numbers for goods worth more than $ 2;
- Belarus and Ukraine: a mandatory assignment track number regardless of the value of the goods.
To deliver most of the products for free is now not work, because the assignment of track numbers - is a paid service. When sending the order in Russia has an option «AliExpress Worry Logistics - Simple». She is responsible for himself a retailer, which acts on the territory of Russia "Russian Post".
According to the AliExpress, assign a track number decided because of the increase in the number of undelivered parcels. And often the fault lies either on the operator side or on the side of buyers, says they have not received the parcel without track number, even though the product was delivered.
UPD. The head of the Russian division of the company, Mark Zavadsky said: most of the products will retain the option "Free shipping" for buyers, but sellers have to somehow compensate for expenses delivery. Perhaps it will make due to the increase in prices.