On Wednesday, September 18 Apple opened access to the update of all compatible devices to fresh iOS 7. Despite the fact that the server kupertinovtsy were heavily overloaded, most of the users have already managed to upgrade their gadgets to "Seven". A very large part.
Edition TechChrunch gathered statistics about the mobile operating system from multiple sources to find out how quickly iOS users update their devices. According to the company Chitika, in the first 24 hours iOS7-unit generated 18% of the North American Web traffic. The sample includes 300 million page views in the US and Canada, so no reason to doubt its representativeness is not. Furthermore, the rate of renewal iOS to 7 were higher than in the case of iOS 6. 18.2% versus 14.8 a year earlier. A good result.
His statistics leads and company Mixpanel, which is a real-time tracking update apple gadgets to the users of the new mobile OSes. According to them, for the first day on iOS 7 has passed 35% of users. Interestingly, the main part is updated throughout the day and night. At the moment, no doubt, that the vast majority of users have already upgraded to the latest version of iOS. On the Android platform, the situation is different: all versions of Jelly Bean (since 4.1) account for only 57% share of all Android-devices.
Watch upgrade to the seventh version of iOS and company OnSwipe, which has data on 1 million devices running on iOS. According to their information, updated to iOS 7 it was 31.27% for the first day, and updated on the iPhone is much more readily than in the iPad - 34,04% against 26,12%. Again, it is better to last year's results, when the first day of on iOS 6 has passed 25% of users.
Yes, on those results Apple's competitors can only dream of. Imagine the situation that after the release Android 5 and Windows Phone 8.1 will update them on a third of users. It is simply impossible, because on other platforms, consumers are not put in the most advantageous position. Buying a smartphone on Android or Windows Phone you just do not know whether you can get timely updates to the newest firmware. Apple takes a different position and behaves predictably. Just imagine, the phone 3 years ago (iPhone 4) received a fresh update of iOS. This is difficult to imagine other platforms.
Such rapid refresh rates are advantageous and application developers. After the first changes to existing, users willing to download new apps from the App Store. And considering how radically updated app for iOS 7They become even more desirable for the user, because applications developed under the old iOS, iOS 7 look at strange and awkward.
And you have already updated to iOS 7?