How to take notes and to unload the "Favorites" with the help of a bot in Telegram
News Web Services / / December 19, 2019
As a rule, Telegram users store all important links and messages to the "Favorites". But over time, the tab turns into a cesspool, in which it is difficult to find something. It solves this problem by boat "to do." He will approach to group all important links and keep daily notes.
to do reviewSend the right message bot and select the category you want to add it: Cases, Personal View or later.
To refer to his notes, click on the desired category. Boat will display all notes from it to add order - first the old, then the new.
All notes can be edited. To do this, click on its name and open the menu with a choice: Run and Edit. If you press the "Run", the record will be deleted. This action is perfect for the task.
Note that the bot does not monetized. Creator made it for their needs, but I decided to share this piece with other users Telegram.
Start bot →
If you do not open the link, change her address.