The company Xiaomi has announced the imminent launch of the new model sports tracker. The gadget will present on November 21st. Teaser of the event was published in the official Twitter-account.
It's not a 👟 but something that tracks every step you take. Do you know who am 'i'?
RT if you know what is coming!
- Mi India for #MiFans (@XiaomiIndia) November 19, 2019
Judging by the accent on the letter «i» in this and other reports Xiaomi, a new bracelet can be called Mi Smart Band 4i. From the original "four" it may differ absence of the probe pulse, black-white display or, for example, dimensions.
More details about the device - 21 November. The presentation will take place in India, but the novelty can be ordered and on AliExpress after the official start of sales.
Not so long ago Xiaomi presented rectangular alternative to the Mi Band 4 - fitness bracelet Hey Plus 1S, as well as watches Mi Watch.
see also🧐
- 5 cool and inexpensive fitness trackers that you like
- Overview Amazfit GTS and Amazfit GTR - smart watches, which can not be charged for weeks
- Overview Galaxy Fit E and Galaxy Fit - Samsung's new fitness bracelet