Arrange a cafe house and rain outside the window
Tips / / December 19, 2019
If you sit down, 65 people in four rooms, including a mixture of sounds cafes, construction and passing cars, and get to work, you will find that is not very loud noise does not stop them. On the contrary, it helps them. Researchers found that low background noise increases productivity in solving creative problems.
If you sit down, 65 people in four rooms, including a mixture of sounds cafes, construction and passing cars, and get to work, you will find that is not very loud noise does not stop them. On the contrary, it helps them.
At the end of 2012 a scientific publication Journal of Consumer Research published a 17-page article on noise and its impact on creative activities.
Three scientists - the authors found that low background noise increases productivity in solving creative problems. Along the way, they are, by the way, proved that the same noise stimulates the desire to buy a product innovation.
The guys from Chicago agency Ethercycle and rolled up their sleeves. After 19 hours, the network has a project
Rainy CafeWhich allows everyone to hear the sounds of the cafe and the rain outside the window. cost the creators of less than five thousand dollars. At the same time we wrote about him, it seems, all tehnoblogi and sites on productivity.Brought together tens of thousands of tweets and likes the site is very simple. The sounds of the rain and the sound of the cafe can be enabled separately and can be together; you can also change the volume separately. Ethercycle also launched a mobile version so that you can arrange a rain even in the street.
It is only necessary to warn of two things.
Firstly, the increase in productivity in the background noise is not as great as you think. RainyCafe in many ways - a psychotherapeutic agent.
Second, the human brain is infinitely complex. If you listen to RainyCafe day and night (as, for example, does this author), you will notice that the noise looped. You can never tell where the repeat starts. But you feel familiar listener fatigue of the same song.
Rainy Cafe