How to set up access to your printer from anywhere using Google Cloud Print
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Long ago it has Google Cloud Print technology, which somehow did not particularly appreciated the network people, but in vain. Google Cloud Print allows you to organize your Cloud Ready printer, without the knowledge of the network topology, without additional equipment, and even if you do not have a permanent IP-address.
There are two situations with this technology. First - you buy licensed by Google printer that supports Cloud Print, which stores your Google Account, and he "looks" to the Internet. Its setting is primitive, and we will not deal with it.
Second - you already have the printer that you want to send jobs from any computer at which you are currently working.
Creating a cloud printer
For turning your home or office printer in the cloud using Google Cloud Print technology, you will need:
- a printer attached to the computer for any operating system;
- permanent access of a computer to the Internet;
- installed the latest version of Google Chrome or Chromium (in the case of Mac and Linux);
- a registered Google Account.
On the computer, which will receive a print job, the printer must be installed completely standard way. Intermediary between Google cloud and the printer performs browser Google Chrome, which is necessary to make some settings:
1. Come in your browser settings:
2. select left Under the Hood and shakes the very bottom to the button Sign in to Google Cloud Print:
3. Click it and push button Finish printer registration:
4. Click on the link Manage your printers:
5. You will see your cloud printer and its objectives, which are either in line or have already been implemented:
It is fair to say that you will be able to print only through the Google Chrome browser. Those. This solution is ideal for all those who work in Google Docs. Plus, you can print PDF-ki, who read in Chrome is a pleasure.
That's done print Google Spreadsheet:
Main select "cloud printer." Like this:
How to share the printer and the cloud to work with him in the working groups
You can share your printer with anyone who has a Google Account. To do this, select the printer from the list of cloud printers in Google Chrome and push the green button Share:
So far, the "cloud printing" from Google seems to be the most convenient, especially since we had long since moved all their work in the browser, and what you want :)