Another 10 life hacking hundred years ago, that you can apply today
Tips / / December 19, 2019
In one of our past articles We already told you about the printed on cigarette packs useful advice from the firm Gallaher Ltd. Some of these tricks seem absurd today, while others are quite applicable in our day. So we decided to pick you up for another portion of the time-tested life hacking century ago.
How to determine the cardinal points on the clock
If you need determine the points of the compassBut you do not have a compass, it is quite possible to do this with regular hours. To do this, place them so that the hour hand is pointing at the sun. After that you need to find the angle between the hour hand and 12 hours and divide it in half mental. The line dividing the angle, and will point to the south. Please note that the south until noon will be on the right side of the sun, and then - on the left.
How to detect gas leaks
gas leak - a very dangerous situation that is fraught with poisoning or even an explosion. Therefore, everyone should know the easiest way to check the pipes and connections for damage. You must either brush apply a soap solution to a suspicious site and carefully observe them. If you see the emergence of bubbles, you need to immediately contact the gas supplier.
How to extract a long nail
If you need to pull out a long nail, the easiest it can be done by placing a tool as a support a small block of wood.
How to insert the cork back in the bottle
If you've ever tried to cork bottle stopper, then you know that this is not so simple. cork base is typically wider than the neck of the bottle and not in what does not want to climb back. Do not rush to trim the stopper knife, but just put on the floor, press down the sole of the shoe and repeatedly perform leg back and forth. Obviously, for better hygiene pre-wrap the cork in a napkin.
How to save an expensive vase
Dear to your heart vases have a magical property to attract children and animals, that and strive they were routed. To little to protect their fragile valuables from damage, sprinkle a little sand in them. So they will become much more stable, especially for those products that have a narrow bottom and extends upward shape.
How to cut fresh bread
That fresh bread does not collapse under the knife, and its pieces were smooth, you must first drop the knife in boiling water for a few minutes. Then desirable cloth wipe blade, and can cut the bread.
How not to get dirty with paint
When use of a brush-lying objects, sooner or later, the paint still on the handle of the brush will flow further on his hands and clothes. To avoid this, take a small piece of cardboard and cut a hole in it. Firmly insert the brush and get to work.
How to draw an ellipse
Everyone knows about how to draw a circle with a thread and cloves. No less easy it is to portray the correct ellipse. You only need to do one more carnations.
How to divide the jammed cups
If nested one inside the other glasses were stuck so hard that you can not separate them without fear of break, try the method of contrasting temperatures. Heat the water in the bowl slightly and put the glasses so that the water is heated only the bottom of them. The upper glass pour cold water or even ice put a little. Then you can easily get one glass from another.
How to cook a cracked egg
when cooking eggs with cracked shells protein normally flow out, leading to disastrous results. To avoid this, simply add a little vinegar in the water, which contributes to protein folding and not let him escape to the outside. The same effect can be achieved with the help of salt. On the palate the eggs are not affected.