“Genetics” - course 2800 rub. from MSU, training 15 weeks. (4 months), Date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 10, 2023
Lecture 1. Mendelism. Experiments by G. Mendel and his followers.
Hybridological analysis. Monohybrid crossing, dominance of one of the parental traits in F1 and segregation in E2 (3:1). Analyzing crossing. A hereditary factor is a discrete unit of heredity - a gene. The concept of the apple gene, a statement of the principle that it is not traits that are inherited, but alleles of genes that control their development
Lecture 2. Dihybrid crossing. Dominance in F1 and splitting in F2 (9A-B-: ZA-bb: 3aaB-: 1 aabv). Independent combination and independent inheritance of traits. Cytological basis of the phenomenon. Non-allelic interaction of genes. Gene and trait. Penetrance and expressivity of a trait. Normal reaction of the genotype. Formal genetic approach to analyzing the inheritance of traits. Types of interaction of non-allelic genes: complementary, epistatic, polymer.
Lecture 3. Chromosomal theory of heredity T.G. U1organ.
Hereditary factors - genes are localized on chromosomes.
Genes are located on the chromosome in a linear order and form a gene linkage group. An exchange of sections (crossing over) can occur between homologous chromosomes, which leads to disruption of gene cohesion, i.e. genetic
recombination. The amount of crossing over is a function of the distance between genes on a chromosome. Genetic maps characterize the relative distances between genes, expressed as a percentage of crossing over.
Lecture 4. Gene theory. Complex gene structure. Functional and recombination tests for allelism.
Lecture 5. Genetics of sex. Sex is a complex, genetically controlled trait. Genetic) and epigenetic factors of sex determination. Genes that control sex determination and differentiation. Chromosomal sex determination. The main function of sex chromosomes (X, Y and W, Z) is to maintain sexual dimorphism and the primary sex ratio (N♂/N♀=1). Inheritance of sex-linked traits. Reciprocal crosses. Lack of uniformity in F1 hybrids, and inheritance of the trait according to the “crosswise” type. Primary and secondary nondisjunction of sex chromosomes. Gynandromorphism.
Lecture 6. Mutation and modification variability. Hereditary variability - mutational and combinational - is characterized by a change in the genotype. Modification - non-hereditary variability - modifies the phenotype of an organism within the normal reaction limits of the genotype. Mutation is a discrete change in a trait that is inherited through a number of generations of organisms and cells. Classification of mutations: according to the structure of the genetic material; by location; by allelic type; due to occurrence.
Genetic consequences of environmental pollution. Mutagenic factors Monitoring the frequency level of various types of mutations in the same geographical locations. Screening for mutagenic activity of drugs, food additives, new industrial chemical compounds. The scope of manifestation of modification variability of an organism with an unchanged genotype is the norm of reaction.
Lecture 7. Mutation process: spontaneous and induced. The mutation process is characterized by: universality and causality, statistics and a certain frequency, and length in time. Spontaneous mutations occur as a result of errors in the functioning of DNA template synthesis enzymes. Genetic control of the mutation process. Mutator genes, antimutator genes. Genetic damage repair systems.
Patterns of induced mutagenesis (radiation, chemical and biological). Dose dependence, temporal nature, dose rate (concentration), premutation changes in genetic material, etc.
Methods for quantitative accounting of mutations. Molecular mechanisms of the occurrence of gene mutations and chromosomal rearrangements. "Adaptive" mutagenesis. The problem of “inheritance of acquired characteristics.”
Lecture 8. Population genetics. Any population consists of individuals that differ to one degree or another in genotype and phenotype. To understand the genetic processes occurring in a population, it is necessary to know: 1) what patterns govern the distribution of genes between individuals; 2) whether this distribution changes from generation to generation, and if it changes, then how. According to the Hardy-Weinberg formula, in an ideal population in equilibrium, the proportions of different genotypes should remain constant indefinitely. In real populations, these shares can change from generation to generation due to a number of reasons: small population size, migration, mutation selection, gene pool populations, genogeography (A.S. Serebrovsky), genetic heterogeneity of natural populations (S.S. Chetverikov), genetic-automatic processes (N.P. Dubinin).
Lecture 9.10. Developmental genetics. Modern developmental biology is a fusion of embryology, genetics and molecular biology. Mutations of genes that control different stages of individual development make it possible to identify the time and place of action normal allele of a given gene and identify the product of this gene in the form of and - RNA, enzyme (polypeptide) or structural protein. Genetic control of sex determination and differentiation. Model objects of genetics of rachvitia: Drosophila melanogaster - fruit fly, Caenorhabditis elegans - roundworm, nematode, Xenopus laevis - clawed frog, Mus musculus - laboratory mouse, Arabidopsis Thaliana
Problems of developmental genetics: analysis of differential gene activity,
activity. Homeotic mutations, their role in the early stages of ontogenesis. Epigenetics of individual development and its prospects. Genetic imprinting. The role of apoptosis (genetically programmed cell death) and necrosis during the individual development of multicellular organisms. ALLOPHENIC MICE – genetic mosaics.
Unlike animals, in plants, from the somatic cells of a formed organism, it is possible to obtain an adult, full-fledged plant (carrots, tobacco, tomatoes), capable of sexual reproduction. From an isolated cell, under the influence of plant hormones, a whole plant can be obtained.
The problem of genome reprogramming in differentiated animal cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Totipotency, pluripotency and multipotency of different cell types. Generation of induced pluripotent human fibroblast cells (iPS) using inducers of reprogramming of transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, c-Mic, Klf4
and Nanog.
Cloning of vertebrates (Dolly the sheep, 1997), Dozens of species have now been cloned animals from the class of mammals (mouse, cow, rabbit, pig, sheep, goat, rhesus monkey and etc.).
Lecture 11,12. Human genetics. Biosocial nature of man. Anthropogenetics and medical genetics. Research methods: genealogical, twin, cytological, biochemical, molecular genetic, mathematical, etc.
Mendelian - monogenic and multifactorial-polygenic traits. Normal human karyotype. Differential staining of chromosomes and Fish method. Chromosomal aberrations and associated genetic syndromes.
Methods for mapping the human genome. Hybridization of human and mouse somatic cells. Sequencing of the human genome (3.5x109 bp).. Genomics (structural, functional, pharmacogenomics, ethnogenomics, etc.).
Genetic polymorphism is the basis of human biodiversity. Types of DNA polymorphism (by the number and distribution of mobile genetic elements; by the number of copies of tandem repeats, etc.).
Medical genetics. Development of medical genetic counseling. Prenatal diagnostics (karyotyping; DNA markers, biochemical and immunological markers; prognosis for offspring). Demographic genetics.
Eugenics, gene therapy, genetic certification (problems and controversial issues).
Lecture 13. Genetic basis of selection. Selection of plants and animals. Source material (wild forms, regionalized plant varieties and factory breeds of animals, inbred lines).
Hybridization - crossing methods - interspecific, interbreeding, intrabreeding (outbreeding, inbreeding), industrial crossing.
Selection methods (mass - individual, by phenotype - by genotype, by pedigree - by quality of offspring). Hybrid corn (simple and double interline hybrids). Interline egg and meat hybrids of chickens.
The phenomena of heterosis and incubation - depression.
Intergeneric fertile hybrid of radish and cabbage (Raphanobrassica).
Biotechnology and the use of transgenic organisms.