Director of Economic Risk Management - free course from the Russian School of Management, training, date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
The program of the Russian School of Management is aimed at improving the qualifications of management personnel of organizations in the field of economic risk management. Training participants will consider outsourcing economic security, the causes of corporate conflicts and the main ways to neutralize them, compliance risks, principles of creating internal documents of an enterprise to prevent corruption, methods of conducting an anti-kickback audit, tax risks in a contractual agreement work. Experienced teachers will provide cost-effective recommendations and techniques aimed at reducing the initial level of risk.
Expert in protecting businesses from criminal prosecution for tax and economic crimes, lawyer at the Moscow Collegium “Knyazev and Partners”
Expert in protecting businesses from criminal prosecution for tax and economic crimes, lawyer at the Moscow Collegium “Knyazev and Partners”
Expert practitioner in the field of corporate security. Has experience in developing and implementing comprehensive business protection systems from external and internal threats.
Compliance. Compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation in organizations, regardless of their form of ownership
• Compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation in organizations.
• Introduction and application of anti-corruption policies.
• Basic documents forming anti-corruption policy.
• HR management: security aspects.
Anti-kickback and commercial bribery
• Corporate fraud.
• Checking contractors and potential candidates.
• Anti-kickback and commercial bribery.
Trade secret mode. Confidential proceedings. Current issues of personal data protection
• Building a risk management system
• Main directions of protecting confidential information in the company
• Secrets
Collection and analysis of information when assessing the reliability of counterparties
• External threats to enterprise security. Modern methods of unfair competition and ways to counter them. A general definition of the concepts “threat” and “external threat” from the point of view of enterprise security. The main external threats to enterprise security. Modern methods of unfair competition. The main ways to counteract unfair competition methods.
• Determining the possibility of negative consequences and their neutralization. Main types of negative consequences. Basic methods of neutralizing negative consequences.
• Business intelligence as a tool for achieving competitive advantage. Regulatory and legal framework for functioning. Sources of information when conducting business intelligence. "Business Intelligence" and "Competitive Advantage". The main goals and objectives of business intelligence. Business intelligence as a tool for competitive advantage. Regulatory and legal framework for functioning. Sources and methods of obtaining information when conducting business intelligence.
• The place of business intelligence in a comprehensive enterprise security system. Technical means of conducting business intelligence. Functional model of a typical security system. Technical means of conducting business intelligence.
• “Competitive wars”: strategy and tactics for survival in the market. Commercial espionage in modern conditions: subjects of conduct, methods and techniques of access to closed sources of information. Methods for identifying and localizing consequences. "Competitive wars", "strategy" and "tactics". Strategy and tactics for survival in the market, from the point of view of the security system. “Espionage” and “commercial espionage” Subjects of commercial espionage. The main ways to access closed sources of information. Basic methods for detecting acts of commercial espionage. Basic methods of localizing commercial espionage attacks.
Criminal legal risks: concept, identification, reduction
• Modern trends in the criminal legal policy of the state in the field of business: improving criminal legal regulation in the field economic relations, strengthening the fight against kickback schemes, creating equal conditions for tax administration for everyone taxpayers.
• Types of risks. The likelihood of their occurrence, causes and consequences.
• Risks of initiating criminal prosecution.
• Probability of risks occurring.
• Rollback schemes. Facts indicating conspiracy.
• Fraud.
• Tax offenses and crimes.
• Reasons for the realization of risks.
• Initiating criminal prosecution and conducting a police investigation.
• Stages of police verification. Collection of information by the police.
• Algorithm for working with police requests.
• Analysis of typical operational-search activities.
• Consequences of criminal prosecution.
• Practical recommendations for minimizing risks.
• Action plan before and after the arrival of police officers.
• Methods of protection against illegal actions.
• Risk prevention. The value of prevention.