A tablet may not need you? (+ Comics)
Tips / / December 19, 2019
When first introduced the tablet (normal, not a hack on Windows with a stick to draw a lot of years ago) - iPad, the Apple told us that this is the gadget for consumer information. On the tablet comfortably on the couch with your feet up, read books and magazines, surf the web. Another convenient to watch movies on the plane, and listen to music on the go. As the creator of the content for this and our other blogs, I can clearly tell you - I have not made a single post on your iPad. It's just not convenient. No, I can not answer on Twitter or a blog comment, but write a post with pictures, videos, and something else I can not.
Then there were other plates and they all, in general, will save the consumer paradigm - Android-tablet, RIM's, tablets, tablets from Amazon and others. All remained within certain unwritten rules. But there was Microsoft Surface, and we were told that now the tablet is not only for consumption created by someone content, now it is useful to create content! Observers say that the table to sit comfortably with him but with his knees, he falls, and with it the couch typing It is not convenient, and knees bent klaviaturka and Tablet computers tries to fall - reliance on the rear door is not so reliable.
What do you think you need a tablet for the building? Or we can let schA posozdaem their laptops, and you read and pokommentiruete? :) To make it easier, I suggest you a comic showing why you should not blur the distinction between the "laptop" and "tablet". And if you have no opinion on this subject, look amusing comic ↓
And do not waste your money on gadgets that you really do not need. Even if this tablet from Apple or Microsoft.