Russian language course for grade 10 (basic level) - free course from Foxford, training 30 lessons, date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
The basis of the course is UMK N.G. Goltsova. Let's look at the main topics of the school course: clear formulation of the rules and reinforcement with the help of training exercises.
Who will benefit from the course?
During the course, you will gain solid knowledge of the basic Russian language program for grade 10, fill in the gaps and prepare for certification, and also develop the skills and abilities that are required by the Federal State Educational Standard.
What knowledge does the course provide?
The basis of the course is UMK N.G. Goltsova. Let's look at the main topics of the school course: clear formulation of the rules and reinforcement with the help of training exercises.
How the course works
In addition to webinars, you will find in the course a large number of tasks of different levels of complexity for any educational purpose, and control tests will allow you to assess what score to expect at certification.
The entire school program
Understand the material you missed or misunderstood in regular school
Quick preparation
Brush up on relevant topics before a report, test or assessment
Our teachers work in leading schools and universities
They will explain the most tricky topics in clear language and help improve school grades.
In 30 lessons you will understand all the main topics of the school curriculum
On your own - without additional classes with a tutor or parental help.
Fast - you don’t have to spend all your free time on textbooks and cramming.
Homework and tests
After each lesson, you will receive homework to immediately identify gaps in knowledge and work on them. You will write test papers - they will help you systematize your knowledge and practice solving problems before the test and certification.
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams
The lesson lasts 2 academic hours.
Russian language teacher, methodologist, speech therapist. Highest qualification category.
Teacher of the Russian language, methodologist of the Russian language content development department, speech therapist. Highest qualification category.
Member of the subject commission 2015-2019.
Participation in professional competitions (“Teacher of the Year”, etc.):
Winner of the All-Russian competition for the best teachers within the framework of PNGO (2013, 2016)
Winner of the regional Olympiad of subject teachers in the Russian language (2017)
Member of the Russian Reading Association, member of the Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature
Annual participation (2014-2019) in the regional conference in memory of A.F. Ivanov (result - printed works), I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Psychology and Education in Small Towns and Villages of Russia” (performance).
There is a channel on Yandex Zen on teaching methods
Channel about education
I believe in science, I love art and books, smart people. I am interested in yoga and psychology, I consider self-development and the pursuit of perfection to be important processes in life. Volunteer at a local shelter: walking dogs...
I believe in science, I love art and books, smart people. I am interested in yoga and psychology, I consider self-development and the pursuit of perfection to be important processes in life. Volunteer at a local shelter: I walk dogs and give love to cats.
I use modern language material to practice spelling rules, as well as everyday context to update the lesson topic.
I include elements of gamification in the lesson and various mnemonics, if they are relevant when learning a particular rule.
I speak the same language with my students, but at the same time I strictly comply with all the requirements of pedagogical ethics.
History of the language
We will systematize general information about the language, its functions, consider the history of writing, punctuation and basic punctuation principles.
- History of language and writing
- Language functions
- History of punctuation and basic punctuation principles
Phonetics and orthoepy
Let's learn to understand how speech sounds are produced. Let's study the orthoepic norms of the literary language (correct pronunciation, stress placement, assimilation, etc.)
- Phonetics and orthoepy
- Phonetic principle of writing
- Orthoepic norm
Morphemics and word formation
Let's consider the basic concepts of morphemics and word formation, the composition of a word, and repeat the previously studied spellings associated with the spelling of roots and prefixes.
- Morphonematic and morphemic principles of writing
- Word formation and traditional writing principles
We will repeat and summarize spellings related to the spelling of roots, prefixes, suffixes, the use of upper and lowercase letters, continuous, separate, and hyphenated spelling of words.
- Use of uppercase and lowercase letters. Writing abbreviations
- N and NN in different parts of speech
- Integrated, separate, hyphenated spelling of words
- Spelling of auxiliary parts of speech and similar words
Vocabulary and semantics
We will practice lexical analysis skills, learn to identify semantic and stylistic differences between synonyms, we update knowledge about the role of different lexical groups of words in a figurative meaning as means of expressiveness in artistic text.
- Vocabulary and semantics. Phraseology
- The word as an object of research. An article about the word. NKRYA. Fact checking. Data verification
Syntax and punctuation
We will practice the skills of correct construction of phrases and sentences, placement of punctuation marks. We will pay special attention to various combinations of punctuation marks, as well as optional and author’s punctuation.
- Syntax. Syntax units
- Collocation and sentence
- Comma in a simple sentence
- Comma in a complex sentence
- Placing colons and dashes in simple and complex sentences
- Quotation. Direct speech. Quotes
- Placement of hyphen and parentheses
- Combination of punctuation marks
- Optional and author's punctuation
Let us recall the techniques for recognizing independent and auxiliary parts of speech and their forms, and update our knowledge about morphological features and grammatical categories of parts of speech, we will improve the skills of identifying them syntactic function.
- Parts of speech (repetition)
Speech development
Let's consider the norms of the Russian literary language, the principles of writing characterizations, autobiographies, motivation letters, resumes, essays. Let's get acquainted with the basics of creating a longread and travel blog. Let's practice the skills of constructing and editing text.
- Language norms and speech culture
- Dealing with grammatical errors
- Editing text. Logical and composition errors
- Characteristics, biography, autobiography
- Business communication
- Motivation letter. Summary
- Longread. Travellog
- Storytelling
- Variety of essays
- Popular science article
- Abstract and review
We will systematize information about the language, repeat the basic rules we have learned and practice the skills of using them in oral and written speech.
- N and NN in participles and adjectives
- Personal endings of verbs
- Spelling of numerals