Product management - course RUB 72,359. from Skillbox, training 3 months, Date: December 9, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
For aspiring product managers
Learn in practice how to launch products. You can become a sought-after specialist and earn more.
Marketers, analysts, sales managers
You will understand every stage of development from idea to launch. Expand your competencies and take a new place in the team.
For programmers
You will understand how to work with a product team. You can track product business metrics. Try yourself as a product manager.
UX designers
Learn to bring your own products to market and improve them. You will be able to create large-scale and expensive projects.
Chief Product Officer at CityDrive (ex. YouDrive)
Came to product management from marketing. She developed a B2C startup and successfully scaled her offline business in a competitive market from local to federal.
12 years of experience in marketing, 5 in product management, product and project management. 4 years worked in educational projects
Was involved in the launch and development of product teams in top companies in Russia and the CIS. Now Evgeniy is selecting frameworks and launching commands. Trains business employees to use Scrum tools and practices, improves production performance and builds full-fledged Scrum communities.
Introduction to Product Management
You will learn what product management is, what role a product manager plays in startups and large companies.
Product manager skills. Types of products
You will understand how a product manager differs from a product owner and a project manager. Find out what soft and hard skills a product manager needs. Get acquainted with different types of products and understand what problems they solve. Learn how to make food cards. Get a competency card, a product card, and a “First 30 days in the company” checklist.
Setting goals
You will understand what product and business metrics and backlogs are. Find out what the goals are when working on products. Get your executive briefing checklist.
Product Analysis: Competitors and Market
Learn to analyze competitors and the market using the TAM-SAM-SOM method. Learn how to determine the monetization model for your own and other people's products. Get a checklist for competitor and market analysis.
Product analytics
You will understand what a client funnel is and how to calculate it. Learn to explore user behavior scenarios and identify problem areas. You will be able to use ready-made reports and research on the product in your work. Get a list of questions to analyze your customer funnel.
User analysis
Learn why analyze user behavior and how research influences product strategy. Learn how to conduct a CustDev and create a client profile. Get a checklist for preparing CustDev.
Bonus module. How to find a product idea
Learn to search for and test hypotheses to create in-demand products.
Bonus module. СJM+CX
You will understand how to create a customer journey (CJM). Learn to analyze user pain points and look for growth points of the product in order to develop it.
Bonus module. Product Frameworks + Design Thinking
You will learn what product frameworks are and understand why they are needed. Get acquainted with the Lean Design Thinking methodology.
Product Metrics
Understand how to determine key metrics based on business goals and product and user research.
Unit economics
You will learn what unit economics is and be able to calculate it. Get a table with formulas for calculating unit economics.
Bonus module. P&L and key financial statements
You will understand which financial reports a product manager should understand. Learn how to make a profit and loss (P&L) statement.
Bonus module. Search for investors
You will learn where to look for investors for startups and how to properly present project ideas.
Roadmap and product development strategy
Learn to build product roadmaps and effectively present them to management and colleagues. Get a roadmap template, lists of questions to create a roadmap and to prepare for defending your presentation to management.
Backlog and task scoring
You will understand how to divide large tasks into parts and set priorities correctly.
Product manager in team processes
Get to know the role of a product manager in teamwork. Learn to evaluate project participants, interact with customers and brief them. Get a checklist for holding meetings.
Bonus module. A/B tests and experiments
You will learn what A/B tests are and how to assign testing tasks to your colleagues.
Bonus module. UX
Get acquainted with cases of using UX design in product management. Learn to set tasks for designers to develop or improve UX indicators of a product.
Bonus module. Growth Hacking
You will understand how companies can grow using the Growth Hacking methodology, and become familiar with its techniques and tools. Find out how popular services use Growth Hacking.
Job search
Learn how to write a resume and evaluate vacancies correctly. Learn where to look for work and how to prepare for interviews. Get a checklist for finding a relevant employer.
Bonus module. Interview in English
Learn about the peculiarities of working in foreign companies. You will understand how to prepare for interviews in English.
The development path of a product manager
Get acquainted with the development prospects of a product manager. Learn to set goals and plan your career.
Graduate work
Based on a brief from a real customer, improve an existing product or create a business model for launching a new one. Successful students will receive letters of recommendation that will help them get a job faster.