Director of Foreign Economic Activity - free course from the Russian School of Management, training, date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
-Live broadcasts. During which you will receive answers to questions from experts.
-Educational materials. In electronic format with access for 30 days.
-Education document. Upon completion of training, you will receive a document in the standard format established by the state.
Director for Foreign Economic Affairs
Understand the legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and other international organizations, the peculiarities of customs code and features of document preparation, learn to interact with customs authorities and contractors from different countries
Business owner
You will understand how to organize a foreign trade department from scratch, how to bring a company to the international market, and develop a strategy for interaction with foreign partners.
A company employee applying for the position of head of foreign economic activity
Gain knowledge that will give impetus to your professional growth. You will learn how to organize a new department in a company, find foreign partners and become familiar with the legal aspects of cooperation.
Expert, business consultant in the foreign trade industry. Many years of experience in international transport logistics and foreign trade activities in TOP positions.
Foreign trade department at the enterprise: organization, adaptation to sanctions conditions, diversification. The company's entry into the foreign market - where to start. Tasks, structure and functions of the foreign trade service
• Foreign trade in Russia and the EAEU. Competencies of a specialist / director of foreign trade activities. Tasks, structure and functions of the foreign economic activity department.
• Risks in foreign economic activity, their classification and methods of minimization. An up-to-date risk management system in the foreign trade sector of an enterprise.
• Information and analytical support for business security. Marketing research of foreign markets - export marketing.
• Search and assessment of the prospects of foreign markets under conditions of sanctions and embargoes. Selecting the country of export.
• Development of a company strategy when entering foreign markets. Foreign economic potential of the enterprise.
• Forms and channels for selling goods to international markets. Information sources.
• Classification of foreign companies. Features of building relationships with various categories of foreign partners. Verification of the integrity of a foreign counterparty.
• Agents, distributors, dealers - their role and place in the company's sales policy.
• Structure and content of a foreign trade sales contract. Essential and additional terms of the contract.
• Market for professional participants in the foreign trade services market: customs representatives, AEOs, temporary storage warehouses, customs carriers, customs carriers; their role in the company’s foreign trade activities.
Features of customs clearance from the point of view of a practitioner. Logic and tools of customs control. Development of the customs service in the Russian Federation
• State control in the field of foreign economic activity. Interaction of foreign trade regulators in the Russian Federation. Customs service in the Russian Federation and the world: functions, logic, control measures. Structure of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.
• History of creation, basic principles and goals of the EAEU. Governing bodies and basic agreements of the EAEU.
• Customs Code of the EAEU. Customs procedures provided for by the EAEU Customs Code, conditions and procedure for their application. Tariff preferences and tariff benefits for goods imported into the territory of the EAEU. Free trade Area.
• Categorization of participants in foreign trade activities. Subject-oriented model of the Risk Management System.
• Customs and tariff measures for regulating foreign trade activities on the territory of the EAEU. Commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities in foreign trade: history of creation, scope of application. Harmonized System (HS). Classification of goods for customs purposes. OPI.
• Customs tariff. Structure of customs duties: calculation methodology, basis for calculation. Types and classification of customs duties.
• Customs control regarding the range of goods and calculation of customs value. Controlled goods.
• Non-tariff regulatory measures on the territory of the EAEU. Barriers and restrictions. Quotas, licenses, import/export permits.
• Permits for customs clearance in the Russian Federation. Confirmation of compliance with technical regulations. Currency control.
• Stages of the customs clearance process. Professional participants in the customs services market. Document flow of foreign trade activities within the EAEU. Strategy for the development of the customs industry of the Russian Federation - 2030.
Features of international freight transport. Air and rail transport
• Transportation management in Supply Chain Management. Supply chain management concept. General concepts. Place and role of the “Transportation” element in the SCM system.
• Types of transportation: direct, mixed, multimodal. Transportation market participants. Types of transport, their characteristics. The logic of choosing a mode of transport.
• International aviation (air) cargo transportation. Regulatory framework, governing legislation.
• Types of flights. Rolling stock.
• Technological features of international air cargo transportation. Air transportation of special cargo - bulky, heavy, perishable. Rules for packaging cargo for air transportation.
• Air freight tariff. Formation of air transportation prices.
• International air waybill – AWB. Functions, content, scope.
• Features of international air cargo transportation from the point of view of customs administration.
• International rail freight transportation. Regulatory framework, governing legislation.
• Technological features of international rail freight transportation. Rolling stock.
Practice of business and trade with China
• PRC. General information. Cross-cultural communications with a counterparty from the People's Republic of China: features of business ethics, customs, habits.
• Foreign trade risks in transactions with counterparties from China. Foreign trade transaction risk management policy.
• A foreign trade contract as a tool for protecting the commercial interests of a Russian foreign trade participant in a transaction with a counterparty from China. Rules of law and features of arbitration disputes with a Chinese counterparty.
• Export marketing: China.
• Organization of a foreign trade transaction with a Chinese counterparty. Forms and channels of distribution of goods to China. Electronic commerce.
• Business practices: national holidays in the PRC.
• Terms of payment and delivery of goods; pre-shipment inspection; requirements for packaging, labeling and quality of shipped goods.
• Features of customs administration in China: customs tariff and non-tariff measures for regulating foreign trade activities. Features of certification. "Green corridor" between the EAEU and China.
• International transport logistics in the direction of the Russian Federation-China. Types of transport, features Current status, problems, trends.
• Features of trilateral foreign trade transactions with China. Verifying the integrity of a foreign partner under Chinese jurisdiction: databases, resources for use.
Legal regulation of exports: minimizing risks
• Start of export activities in the company. Regulation of foreign trade activities of the company department. Process and work under a foreign economic contract. Interaction with third-party partners (law firms, carriers, logistics companies, etc.).
• Geographical and legal features of import and export. Regulation of exports from Russia to the EU and EAEU. Legislative and other regulatory support for export activities. How to choose countries for export, features of foreign law.
• Opening an enterprise in the European Union as a form of foreign economic activity. Freedom of movement of companies in the EU. Establishment and relocation. Taxation. Reports and checks. Choice of European jurisdiction. EU Directives in the field of corporate law, features of action. Russian legal entities in the EU. Capital of joint stock companies and financial statements of companies. Standards for corporations in the EU. Invalidity of a company in the EU. One person companies in the EU. Supranational companies. Legal nature of a supranational company in the EU. European cooperative. European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).
• Foreign economic activity and responsibility. Civil, administrative or criminal liability. Typical mistakes. Minimization strategies. Penalties in relation to taxation. Penalties in currency legislation. Penalties in customs legislation.