Let's study in the summer! Communication skills (interpersonal communication) - free course from Foxford, training 12 lessons, Date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Who will benefit from the course?
The course is suitable for children who are constrained in communication and want to feel freer and more confident, as well as those who like to communicate and want to develop in this direction.
What knowledge does the course provide?
Children will get acquainted with the types and stages of communication, deal with “barriers” in communication, learn to express and “read” emotions, and master tools for effective communication.
How the training works
Students will work both in groups and individually. They will learn to present themselves, maintain a conversation on any topic, manage emotions, resolve conflicts and recognize manipulation.
Attention to yourself
Before understanding another, you need to understand yourself: we study the sources of our feelings and emotions, accept our characteristics, and find strengths in ourselves.
- First impression: voice, posture, look
- Benefits of emotions and feelings
- We are different: we learn our temperament and the “language” of attention
- Summing up: reflection
Attention to the interlocutor
- Building dialogue and active listening
- Compliments
- Emotions and feelings
Effective communication
- Speech etiquette
- Manipulation
- Conflicts
- Barriers in communication
- Rules of communication